Blackascoal says I'm "Paranoid" :blah:


New member

Are you calling me PARANOID, because Obama, and other Ultra-Lib Democrats are helping Gasoline reach 5, 6, 7, 8 Dollars a gallon? Because they are MORE WORRIED ABOUT CARIBOU FU*KING, AND HOW "PEACEFUL" THEY ARE WHILE THEY DO IT, THAN HUMAN BEINGS, AND THE COST OF FOOD, ENERGY, AND EVERY OTHER THING GOING THROUGH THE ROOF?

Maybe you Libs will FINALLY start to GET it. When you can't afford ANYTHING, just because of the cost of OIL, maybe THEN you will SEE, how Important it IS. It is the Fuel of the Engine of Democracy, and without it, at least until we invent some GOOD alternative, we are little more than Hairless Ape Farmers, dude. Paranoid? Give me a break. Wise up.

The only Paranoid I know is the Black Sabbath song.
Add "uninformed" to your paranoid label.

The Iraq war .. you know the one you supported .. is why gas prices are reaching for the stars.

Do some research .. spend less time in emotional overload.
I'd like to see the "research" that indicates gas prices are due to war in Iraq...

You're so easy ...

excerpt --

"When in doubt, ask the experts. Red Cavaney, president of the industry trade group American Petroleum Institute--not left-leaning types--puts the blame squarely on the invasion of Iraq, where unrest and violence has reduced production to less than they were under Saddam in the world's second-largest supplier. Traders of oil futures fix the price per barrel based on their expectations of political stability, especially in the world's largest oil-producing nations. And they don't like what they see in Iraq. "As soon as you can stabilize the civil situation," says Cavaney, "[Iraq will] significantly be able to ramp up production. But it would take years."

The chart of the crucial "light sweet crude oil" futures index reads like a barometer of political tension in energy-producing hotspots. Oil, hovering around $27 a barrel in 2001, spiked to $38 when the United States went to war against Afghanistan--a potential oil pipeline route and neighbor to several large producers. It jumped from $33 to $40 in February 2003, just before the U.S. attack against Iraq. Insurgents have blown up pipelines and refineries there ever since, causing a steady climb to $76.

Adding to the high cost of crude oil, says former Louisiana senator and oil company lobbyist Bennett Johnston, is the Bush Administration's "saber rattling" against Iran. "We'd see gasoline prices of $5 or $6; crude oil above $100 if we bomb Iran," he predicts.

So voters are right. If Bush wants to bring down oil prices, he can. All he has to do is stop threatening war, and bring home the troops from Iraq. "

There is an abolute TON of information READILY available that SHOULD have inhibited you from ever making such statement.

This was from 2006 and conditions have gotten worse .. but the cause remains the same.
Well bac, being the political hack you are, I can understand that you must blame Bush for just about everything you doubt you can find an ally somewhere that will help you blame Bush and Iraq war for just anything that happens in the entire world....
But just to educate you...just FYI...I'll let you in on the REAL reason...even though I know you will continue to be an ignorant hack....that being the role of liberal Dims.

As gratifying as it is to point fingers elsewhere, the mirror is the main place to look for the reasons that oil prices are hovering around $125 a barrel. The nation decided to let the laws of supply and demand work. It was rewarded with two decades of low prices that led to larger cars, bigger homes and longer commutes. Meanwhile, with the Cold War's end, Third World countries suddenly saw the benefits of capitalism, fueling robust growth in places such as China and India. As in the West, oil fuels that growth, first for industry, then for consumers who, naturally enough, use rising incomes to buy cars. That trend more than anything else is behind rising prices. And it has just begun.
Well bac, being the political hack you are, I can understand that you must blame Bush for just about everything you doubt you can find an ally somewhere that will help you blame Bush and Iraq war for just anything that happens in the entire world....
But just to educate you...just FYI...I'll let you in on the REAL reason...even though I know you will continue to be an ignorant hack....that being the role of liberal Dims.

As gratifying as it is to point fingers elsewhere, the mirror is the main place to look for the reasons that oil prices are hovering around $125 a barrel. The nation decided to let the laws of supply and demand work. It was rewarded with two decades of low prices that led to larger cars, bigger homes and longer commutes. Meanwhile, with the Cold War's end, Third World countries suddenly saw the benefits of capitalism, fueling robust growth in places such as China and India. As in the West, oil fuels that growth, first for industry, then for consumers who, naturally enough, use rising incomes to buy cars. That trend more than anything else is behind rising prices. And it has just begun.

It's not rocket science .. and I am forever amazed by the total lack of basic cognitive skills in people who make your argument.

It's real simple.

Before war price equals X

Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise.

It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ...

Traders of oil futures fix the price per barrel based on their expectations of political stability, especially in the world's largest oil-producing nations.

AND, no I don't blame Bush for everything, and I frequently assign blame to democrats and the left where I believe they justly deserve it.

There is no mystery why conservatives are shrinking.