Blackmail And The Fairness Doctrine


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Blackmail was journalism’s business model long before television. Every corporation relying on consumer trust was told: “Advertise or we crucify your product.” The auto industry alone spent a fortune on product advertising every year not to mention tobacco industry before it was banned on TV. (Tobacco advertising in print is protected by the First Amendment.)

Blackmail became the Democrat Party’s business model in order to compensate for Ronald Reagan abolishing the Fairness Doctrine.

The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC's view—honest, equitable, and balanced. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011.

Having Socialist/Communist messages heard on TV was the sole purpose for the Fairness Doctrine when it was introduced in television’s infancy.

NOTE: Democrats never demanded a captive radio audience in the decades before television.

This is how Democrat Party blackmail works.

1. Threaten to vote with conservatives to eliminate the advertising tax deduction if Democrats do not get all of the face time they demand to spout the Democrat Party’s garbage.

2. There is no number 2.

Nobody can convince me that Americans want to pay television to tell them about the New Green Deal, free collage education, free healthcare, no borders, and the rest of Socialism’s ugly ideology spewing out of television’s blowhole 24 hours a day every day. Hell, abolishing the Fairness Doctrine was the best thing that ever happened to Democrats. Blackmail gave them more face time than conservatives get these days. Conservative voices were never heard on the Alphabet Networks. Today, conservative voices are slowly being drowned out by liberals on the one network that allows conservatives —— FOX.

Brit Hume and a few others have not been barred from the building by the Murdoch Boys just yet. Move the cursor to 4:03 and listen to Hume touch on the subject of giving crackpots face time “Maybe we shouldn’t have them on so much.”

Brit Hume suggestion was well-meant, but I have a question: How much face time should crackpots get? Television’s answer: As much time as taxpayers will stand still for.

My answer: NONE.
How much face time should crackpots get?

It appears that John Brennan is a stupid man as well as a crackpot:

Americans would be speaking Russian today had this country not won the Cold War 23 years before Brennan became CIA Director (March 2013 to January 2017).

p.s. Obama knew exactly what he was doing to the country:

By milking that status for brutal hits on Trump, they not only misled and divided the country, they damaged the credibility of the US intel community.

Mueller’s conclusions expose disgrace of Obama’s spy chiefs
By Post Editorial Board
March 26, 2019 | 7:55pm

On the bright side:

Barack Obama's protective shield seems to be shattering
By Cheryl K. Chumley
Tuesday, March 26, 2019