‘Blacks Against Obama’ Interrupt Campaign Rally



Protesters Interrupt Obama Event

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

(CORAL GABLES, FLA.) - Barack Obama’s rally at the University of Miami was briefly interrupted today after a dozen or so protestors began to wave homemade signs.

The group of mostly African American men held signs that read, “Blacks against Obama”, “Jesse Jackson hates Obama”, “Obama for abortions”, “Obama for gay marriage” and “Obama endorsed by the KKK.”

They are said to be part of a Miami based group called “Michael Warns”.

The crowd of over 5,000 people at the event shouted the hecklers down by chanting “Yes we can!”

Obama briefly paused and tried to calm the crowd down by telling the crowd to hold on. “Hey young people out there – it’s no problem for you to put your signs up, but let everybody – let me finish what I have to say, alright?,” he told the protesters as he stood on stage.

The group was escorted out shortly afterwards by security. “Alright guys, see ya,” Obama said as they left, “Alright, let’s get back to work.”

A similar group of hecklers appeared at an Obama event in Tampa in August.


Guess some people don't like kool-aid.

Oh well Obama's storm troopers will get them back in line. :whip:

Protesters Interrupt Obama Event

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

(CORAL GABLES, FLA.) - Barack Obama’s rally at the University of Miami was briefly interrupted today after a dozen or so protestors began to wave homemade signs.

The group of mostly African American men held signs that read, “Blacks against Obama”, “Jesse Jackson hates Obama”, “Obama for abortions”, “Obama for gay marriage” and “Obama endorsed by the KKK.”

They are said to be part of a Miami based group called “Michael Warns”.

The crowd of over 5,000 people at the event shouted the hecklers down by chanting “Yes we can!”

Obama briefly paused and tried to calm the crowd down by telling the crowd to hold on. “Hey young people out there – it’s no problem for you to put your signs up, but let everybody – let me finish what I have to say, alright?,” he told the protesters as he stood on stage.

The group was escorted out shortly afterwards by security. “Alright guys, see ya,” Obama said as they left, “Alright, let’s get back to work.”

A similar group of hecklers appeared at an Obama event in Tampa in August.


Guess some people don't like kool-aid.

Oh well Obama's storm troopers will get them back in line. :whip:

Don't be sure this wasn't staged by Obama.

I'm sure the Obama people just loved it. It provided Obama another opportunity to distance himself from black people .. thus, making white people on the right feel better about him.

He's not really one of them.

I know many African-Americans who have become suspect of Obama, but not one of them, including me, would ever hoist a sign saying "Jesse Jackson hates Obama." That's an advertisement for white people who don't like Jesse Jackson.

For many of us who have serious doubts about Obama .. here's the sign we would be waving.

Cloaking the Deeper Racism

"Oh please," I can hear conservatives and liberals alike moaning in unison, "what's with all this negativity at this glorious shining moment? Surely Street, even a radical like you is going to have to admit real advancement here. This country is taking a giant forward step with Obama, a sign of amazing racial progress. And besides, what is Obama supposed to do...NOT run for president because you claim there's still racial inequality and oppression in America? That's not fair. Should John Edwards or Ralph Nader not run for president because you think there's still class oppression in the U.S.? Should Hillary or Sarah Palin not run because you think there's still gender oppression? Why don't you just let him get in there and start building on this great victory against racism to heal the remaining racial divisions in this country, okay? Get with the program."

If only things were so simple, so black and white.

Yes, there is some progress in the fact that millions of Caucasians are apparently willing to vote for somebody despite the fact that he is technically half-black. No doubt about it. I've never denied this obvious fact. It's not 1968. Okay.

But racial "correction" celebrators fail to understand and/or refuse to acknowledge cold realities reflecting the perverse color politics of the post-Civil Rights age of neoliberal racism. Obama's acceptance (and more than occasional worship) by droves of liberal and centrist whites is strongly predicated on the sense that he's "not all that black" and on his willingness to run a "race-neutral" campaign that bends over backwards to deny the continuing role that numerous and interrelated forms of institutional racism play in producing savage racial inequalities in the U.S. (and in shaping an imperial U.S. foreign policy that he aggressively embraces). Obama is being used by white political and cultural authorities to "prove" that racism is no longer a meaningful barrier to black advancement and equality in America and that the only remaining obstacle to black success is the personal and cultural failure of black people.

Obama's race and nomenclature have proved attractive to a 99 percent white U.S. ruling class that seeks to put deceptive new rebel's clothing on its global capitalist-racist hyper-Empire - a world-supremacist project that deepens class and racial inequality across American communities (a project that Obama strongly endorses). Key parts of that ruling class find the deeply conservative Obama's skin color and the strongly race-related illusion of his special progressivism to be very useful in terms of inhibiting black and Left resistance to Empire and Inequality at home and abroad. They also figure that a black candidate and president will be particularly restricted (largely by toxic white fears and stereotypes relating to the threat posed by the "angry black male") in his ability (even if he had any propensity in this regard) to fight aggressively both for black rights and for the multicultural working class Many against the predominantly white rich and powerful Few.

Meanwhile, the rise of Obama has given white America yet one more shining opportunity to congratulate itself on its at least partial transcendence of primitive and open racial bigotry while rendering structural, societal, and institutional racial oppression yet more tragically and maddeningly invisible. "What Us Racist?," much of white-America asks, Alfred E. Neuman-like. "You can't be serious," Alfred E. Whitefolks insist: "millions of us are voting for Obama, along with more than 90 percent of black voters." Meanwhile the basic underlying policies and practices of "state-of-being racism" (Joe Feagin's term) are as alive as ever, given new freedom to reign guilt-free by the gloriously "post-racial" Obama phenomenon.

It's not glass half-full (the partial defeat of open racial bigotry), half empty (the persistent problem institutional racism). It's a situation where white-national celebration over the part-full part is crowding out public attention to the all-empty part. I say "part-full" because Level 1 race bigotry's continuing life may still catapult the dangerous proto-fascist John McCain and his ludicrous hard-right hit-lady Sara Palin into the executive branch next January.

Obama's Complicity

Obama's role in all of this racial perversity has been more than inadvertent and collateral. He has been an active agent in the perpetuation of post-Civil Rights racial oppression and confusion. He has repeatedly exaggerated the depth and degree of black advancement, once even praising the Civil Rights generation for bringing Black American "90 percent" of the way to equality.

His conservative 2006 campaign book "The Audacity of Hope" defined the racism that plagues American history in terms of psychological prejudice, not institutional and structural practices and policies. It told a nice and heartwarming story about his friendly reception in the legendarily racist downstate Illinois town of Cairo. It did not mention that the savage under-representation of blacks in good-paying Cairo city jobs contributes to stark racial disparities in the town that made the technically half-white and thoroughly bourgeois Obama feel personally welcome. Black median household income ($14,591) is less than half of white median household income ($32,500) in Cairo and the black poverty rate (42 percent) is nearly three times the white poverty rate there.

Obama has shown a special propensity for lecturing lower-class blacks like "cousin Pookie" (a name he made up for use in a self-righteous speech to black listeners at Selma, Alabama's Brown Chapel last year) on the need to clean up their culture and behavior to take full advantage of what he considers the great opportunities afforded to all by glorious American "free market" capitalism. He has no parallel lectures on personal responsibility for middle and upper-class whites, whose rampant personal and cultural depravity - including the widespread persistent practice of racial discrimination in U.S housing and labor markets and in the making of criminal justice policy - survives intact without of racially disparate mass incarceration and other forms of discriminatory and collective punishment for Caucasians.

--- an excerpt
And yet in one poll last week, it showed 90% of blacks polled said they supported Obama. Guess they are all just dumb and don't see it.
And yet in one poll last week, it showed 90% of blacks polled said they supported Obama. Guess they are all just dumb and don't see it.

And when the election ends .. 90% of blacks will have supported Obama.

There are very few who will vote for McCain, but there is an increasing number who will not vote at all .. they don't show up in your 90%.

What Obama is counting on is record numbers of blacks showing up in states like Georgia for him to have any chance of carrying the state. He needed to inspire those who see the American political system as hopeless.

That's what you don't see.
And when the election ends .. 90% of blacks will have supported Obama.

There are very few who will vote for McCain, but there is an increasing number who will not vote at all .. they don't show up in your 90%.

What Obama is counting on is record numbers of blacks showing up in states like Georgia for him to have any chance of carrying the state. He needed to inspire those who see the American political system as hopeless.

That's what you don't see.

What you said is really key. He will get over 90% of the black vote but its the number of black folk that come to the polls is what Obama's working on and needs.

Protesters Interrupt Obama Event

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

(CORAL GABLES, FLA.) - Barack Obama’s rally at the University of Miami was briefly interrupted today after a dozen or so protestors began to wave homemade signs.

The group of mostly African American men held signs that read, “Blacks against Obama”, “Jesse Jackson hates Obama”, “Obama for abortions”, “Obama for gay marriage” and “Obama endorsed by the KKK.”

They are said to be part of a Miami based group called “Michael Warns”.

The crowd of over 5,000 people at the event shouted the hecklers down by chanting “Yes we can!”

Obama briefly paused and tried to calm the crowd down by telling the crowd to hold on. “Hey young people out there – it’s no problem for you to put your signs up, but let everybody – let me finish what I have to say, alright?,” he told the protesters as he stood on stage.

The group was escorted out shortly afterwards by security. “Alright guys, see ya,” Obama said as they left, “Alright, let’s get back to work.”

A similar group of hecklers appeared at an Obama event in Tampa in August.


Guess some people don't like kool-aid.

Oh well Obama's storm troopers will get them back in line. :whip:

Good thread.

It is nice to see some of the black population voting with wisdom--the more the merrier. They see the same thing in obama that I do--a racist marxist. Nothing can be more fact about the guy, and it is very refreshing to see people stand up for the real American values they know and DO believe in, and not what somebody tells them they should believe in. I applaud the peacefull protesters--and they also know what "yes we can" really means (it is a marxsist/communist chant--from wayyyyyy back).

Our town just had McCain and Palin speak earlier this week in Grand Rapids Michigan. There were protesters there too, but outside with signs. Most were kids, the gothic kind of ignroant kids that wonder why they can't make it through the job interview (hey--may be they can find their nitch--and make something of themselfs). They had signs, that said "Fuck McCain" (among others) and using profanity at the people comming and leaving.
I don't think any of the kids got arrested for the verbal and written volgarity in the middle of the city colleges---amazing. This is a heavy Christian town and nothing happend to those kids. Some of the people wanted to ring ther white pencil necks though--lots of local radio talk about it.

Folks---we have a new breed of white trash--but I am not sure who it is the most--the profain kids--or the local authority that should have thrown them in jail for written public profannity. Now, since I use profanity on this site (only one allowed I know of), and never been told not to use it--you would think I am a hypocrite (I can see that twisted liberal left hook comming) ---but--we are members of the site that allows it, and they (this site) can inforce against it if they desired------ so there lies the difference----just to duck you swing. :)

Which protesters would you like to be neighbors with?

Good job to those black protesters in Florida. Real Americans!! No public profanity (that I know of), and some good points that people need to think of about, of the unknown obamie the commie.

I get a tear in my eye when I see real Americans stand up like that. They know who and what obama is and don't fall for his victim speaches. That folks is the spirt of individual human beings, along with a little push from the late Dr. Martin Luther King. Great Americans!!
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What you said is really key. He will get over 90% of the black vote but its the number of black folk that come to the polls is what Obama's working on and needs.

OK---but how is obama going to get those votes? What is he offering them? And how come obama threw his pastor under the bus two weeks after he said he could not to that any more than he could throw the black community under the bus? How come obama has a black half brother in Kenya that is living in a 6' by 10' hut, and eating bugs when he runs out of 1 dollar/month income? Jeesch--can't "My brothers keeper" throw the guy some help from his own pocket---if this is what he preaches?

Only fools believe words, while ignoring all or any action or inaction that exists.

Any obama supporter is either a marxist trying to ruin America--or a fool---Period!!!
blah blah blah---the fact is--obama is rasing racial tension that we have not seen in decades. Fuck off commie trouble maker.

Obama is not raising racial tensions with his rhetoric. If anything he is alienating some Black voters by not being black enough so to speak and pushing black issues in the campaign.

I guess you could be referring to raising racial tensions just because he is black and running for president ? If so eat shit and die you rascist pig.
Obama is not raising racial tensions with his rhetoric. If anything he is alienating some Black voters by not being black enough so to speak and pushing black issues in the campaign.

I guess you could be referring to raising racial tensions just because he is black and running for president ? If so eat shit and die you rascist pig.

He doesn't even know what NORAD is.

... 'nuff said.
I work under the North American Aerospace Defence (acronym doesn't work) Joint Command. Its a pretty sweet mission, and its neat to work with Canadian Air Force personnel.

Who doesn't know what NORAD is, btw?

That which call itself "the majority" :)
I work under the North American Aerospace Defence (acronym doesn't work) Joint Command. Its a pretty sweet mission, and its neat to work with Canadian Air Force personnel.

Who doesn't know what NORAD is, btw?
It works. It is NORth American Aerospace Defense... "American" is assumed in those acronyms.