Blame it on the Immigrants


New member

I've advocated for restrictive immigration policies, given the welfare-state and Balkanization issues in particular, but I'm increasingly inclined to view the cure as something worse than the disease. Do we really want a militarized border? Do we want to empower federal police agencies to demand IDs, search homes and shut down businesses simply to rid the nation of poor people who mostly are here to work? And let's not get on our high horse about the "rule of law," given that crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. I'm sure none of my readers have ever, say, broken a traffic law, right?

Ironically, the people who are most angry about illegal immigration describe themselves as conservatives, yet they advocate every big-government idea known to mankind to fight this problem. They show no concern about the police-state tactics and civil-liberties-destroying policies that would be necessary to send every illegal immigrant back home. They show no compassion for the people who come here, and refuse to recognize that "we" – that is, American citizens – would do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed, and we weren't able to find jobs to feed our families on this side of the border. (By the way, we would settle around other Americans, would eat American food, read English-language publications and make demands on the Mexican government, too.)

Some of the frustration is understandable, but the level of anger is troubling. Most of the people I hear from claim they aren't against immigration per se, but only against illegal immigration. Fine, then why not increase immigration quotas so that people from Mexico and elsewhere can more easily come here legally or adopt a guest-worker program? They tend to get apoplectic at that suggestion. But why not liberalize quotas if the issue is merely about legality? The correct answer, offered by former California State Librarian Kevin Starr in his book "California," is that many illegal-immigration foes use it as a proxy issue for their anger about California's rapidly changing demographics.
The middle class downward are the ones that have to have someone to blame their troubles on. blacks, hispanics, women, etc...
And that is the way the upper classes want it so that the attention / blame does not go where it belongs. Upwards....

Be good little sheeple.
The middle class downward are the ones that have to have someone to blame their troubles on. blacks, hispanics, women, etc...
And that is the way the upper classes want it so that the attention / blame does not go where it belongs. Upwards....

Be good little sheeple.

So for people who hard and become successful it is there fault that others don't achieve that same level of success?
So for people who hard and become successful it is there fault that others don't achieve that same level of success?

It is a matter of how they achieve their "success"
Is it on the backs of the little people ?

Someone that gets rich in the payday loadsharking business is scum, for instance.
It is a matter of how they achieve their "success"
Is it on the backs of the little people ?

Someone that gets rich in the payday loadsharking business is scum, for instance.

what do you mean on the backs of the little people?

I'm going on the assumption that most people make their money through working legitimate jobs, not drug trade or anything else on the black market.
What group profits the most from sending our industries offshore ?

the hourly workers or the market traders and such ?
What group profits the most from sending our industries offshore ?

the hourly workers or the market traders and such ?

so you are complaining that low income jobs get sent overseas while higher paying jobs come to the U.S.?
so you are complaining that low income jobs get sent overseas while higher paying jobs come to the U.S.?

Yep the statistics show that the rich are getting richer much faster than the lower half....
Most of the jobs created in recent years have been lower paying service sector jobs. In Lexington KY 90% of the jobs created in the last 5 years have been low or minimum wage store clerk type of jobs.
does that make them evil? sheeple?

You misunderstood as usual. I say the lower half are sheeple for blaming immigrants for their woes instead of blaming those who get rich off of moving their jobs offshore.
And that is just what the upper half wants them to do, hence sheeple.
You misunderstood as usual. I say the lower half are sheeple for blaming immigrants for their woes instead of blaming those who get rich off of moving their jobs offshore.
And that is just what the upper half wants them to do, hence sheeple.

Yes some people have lost their jobs by going overseas. But that is a very small part of our population. The 'sheeple' are the ones who continually try to blame low end jobs going overseas for the divide.
It is at a 300% interest rate.

It is taking advantage of them pure and simple. Now if the rate was under 30%, that would be another matter.

It's a rate they agree too. If you are so concerned, form a business that offers them loans at a lower rate. That would be a lot easier to do, except for those regulations protecting the bigger outfits from competition.
could anyone be dumber than usc thus usGED.
Calling rich people evil because of the actions of less than 1/10 of 1% is like calling everyone at his education level a felon becuase that's the highest % of people in jail. LOFL
this thread by USC should be used by parents as a reason to send kids to higher education.
Ohh I believe in higher ed. I have put my money towards that end by sponsoring scholarships , working to establish a new course at the local votech, and providing jobs for interns.
What have you done except blow hot air ?

btw some nice tax deductions on all that too :D