Blast from the past?


New member


After the 2000 election, Al Gore kept asking for recount after recount, even as every one showed he had lost. It got so silly, that Brit Hume finally played the clip from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", where King Arthur fights the Black Knight, and the Knight refuses to acknowledge defeat even as Arthur chops off one limb after another.

Now the Democrats are at it again, with Hillary insisting she can win even as Obama's lead remains pretty much constant and there are fewer and fewer primaries left.

What is it about Democrats that make them consistently unable to accept reality?
Reality ? Where are the WMD's. The Iraqi theoring orses in our paths as the liberating victors ? The last throes ? Iraq paying for their reconstruction with their oil money ?

Ohh and the economy is dong great too :cheer:

Seems a long war to only cost a few ibllion and last 6 days, 6 weeks or at most 6 months ?

Reality is what I deal in unlike the neocon butt sucking parrots.