Blizzard forces Canadian Earth Day celebration into single tent


New member
A "handful of visitors" showed up. :(

I especially like the last line quoted here. "[T]o cancel an Earth Day event because of weather would kind of be the antithesis of what this is all about."

No, Ma'am. The weather that whacked your celebration - that is, the way the earth actually is - is the antithesis of what your celebration is all about.

In other words, you Manmade-Global-Warming freaks have gotten it 100% wrong. You should have stuck to the Global Cooling predictions that were all the rage on the first Earth Day, and tried to find someone gullible enough to believe your OTHER fib: That man can do anything about that either.


No heaven on Earth Day
Wintry blast cools global warming fervour

Mon, April 21, 2008

So much for global warming. Earth Day festivities went ahead despite the blast of frigid weather yesterday.

Vendors and presenters from various eco-friendly groups, including Bullfrog Power, CO2 Reduction Edmonton and the local solar energy society, crammed into a lone tent in Hawrelak Park after a blizzard forced them to abandon their original locations.

Organizers crammed over 40 groups in a space that would normally be occupied by half that number. Presenters' booths were initially planned to have been spread out between at least five tents, with far larger displays.

"We're normally here with a lineup of cyclists for our free bike repair service. No bikers came today. Big surprise," said Chris Field of Mountain Equipment Co-Op.

A handful of visitors still took the time to inquire about several solar-powered products on display at the M.E.C. booth and browsed several others before running off toward the lone heater in the tent to warm up.

A lemonade vendor towards the front might as well not have been there.

"Obviously we'll have fewer people than we would have liked, but to cancel an Earth Day event because of weather would kind of be the antithesis of what this is all about," said organizer Janice Boudreau.
You don't really understand the effects of global warming, do you?

That's okay. Most conservative hacks don't.
ahh but about 20ft higher sea level by the end of the century will do wonders for FL and NO real estate . Why rebuild NO it will be under water in another generation anyway ?