BLM & The Golden Nail


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Democrats were taking orders from the New World Order crowd as far back as 1913. There would be no AMERICANS today had the U.S. become a member state in the League of Nations in 1920.

The globalist went full throttle after the traitors in the U.S. Senate ratified membership in the United Nations in 1945. BLM, Socialists/Communists, environmental freakazoids, rank& file parasites, idiots who wear masks because they believe the coronavirus flu will wipe out the human race. Do-gooders saving the world do not realize that everything they are doing to destroy this country originates in United Nations. In addition to U.N.’s population controls the New World Order crowd will kill hundreds of millions in engineered civil wars if until everyone see themselves a citizens of the world in order to govern through the U.N. This is there governing philosophy in 62 words:

“Two centuries ago, our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order.”

“We affirm that the economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities.”

Notice that the philosophy is identical among every priesthood, while only New World Order priests, Roman Catholic priests, and Islam’s religious leaders have a shot at succeeding.

In fact, the Democrat Party gets away with every crime because their God forgives every sin for all time —— including murder —— but only so long as they commit the most the most heinous crimes in the name of their religion. If serial killers had any brains they would claim they are Gypsies.

Basically, the Democrat Party wrote a new chapter for the Romany playbook, while for centuries Gypsies have been satisfied with absolution for stealing. If this ‘CORE BELIEF’ does not describe Democrat Party’s religion nothing does.

Gypsy is short for Egyptian, originally falsely thought to have come from Egypt. A Gypsy is a member of a wandering people who migrated to Europe from India in the 15th century. Gypsy children are raised being told the tale of the young Gypsy boy who saved the life of Jesus. The tale tells of four nails made to be used in the crucifixion: one each for the hands of Jesus, one for his feet and the fourth, a nail of gold, for his heart. Late at night the Gypsy boy stole the golden nail, so when the crucifixion took place the next day, only three nails remained. God appears to the young Gypsy boy telling the child his act of thievery saved Jesus from having the nail plunged through his heart. In payment for the boy’s deed, God endowed Gypsies the right to steal with no moral consequences forever!

Gypsies choose a lifestyle of thievery, one that is as natural to them as eating and sleeping. This organized crime family, masters of fraud and false identification, does not associate with normal society and speaks a language rarely mastered outside the culture. Seldom caught, rarely prosecuted and almost never jailed, Gypsies even have their own court kris where all grievances are resolved. They look upon the rest of society simply as their prey.

28 January 2017

NOTE: The Democrat Party’s platform has long been built on moral superiority. The Chicago sewer rat ran as a spiritual leader twice. Brain Dead Biden, and the California Trollop, must run on moral superiority because they have nothing else to offer.

Finally, lying Muslims are pussy cats compared to the murderous New World Order Crowd:

Safwaan bin Sulaim said that the prophet (pbuh) was asked, “Can a believer be a coward? He said, “Yes, he can be coward. Then he was asked whether a believer could be a miser? He replied, “Yes, he can be a miser”, he was then asked whether a believer could be a liar? He replied, “No, a believer cannot be a liar.”
Seldom caught, rarely prosecuted and almost never jailed, Gypsies even have their own court kris where all grievances are resolved. They look upon the rest of society simply as their prey.

Here’s a story you won’t see in the race-obsessed national media.

Two black Maryland teenagers found guilty of killing a middle-aged white man via sucker punch at the county fair were let off by the presiding female judge with shockingly lenient sentences of probation and anger management. The teens punched the man after asking him for a dollar. After the first teen landed the knockout blow, the other one spit on his lifeless body. The small crew then proceeded to dance around the lifeless man, 59-year-old John Weed, like a bunch of maniacs.

A reporter for The Frederick News-Post was asked to leave the courtroom Wednesday after Steinmetz asked that hearing be closed to the public. Judge Julie Stevenson Solt agreed, saying that much about the case that would be discussed, especially regarding the teen’s past and other details, would be too sensitive to be shared in open court.

This is the judge, folks.

One look at her face should tell you exactly what that porker is:


Judge Julie Stevenson Solt

Judge Gives Teen “Anger Management” After He Murdered a 59-Year Old White Man at the County Fair
August 17, 2020

My guess is that the fat lady did not want the public to learn that a murderer walked because he claimed he is a Gypsy.

If serial killers had any brains they would claim they are Gypsies.

Incidentally, once in a while the producers of television’s courtroom dramas should hire actors to play judges that look like liberal scum bag Judge Solt.
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Democrats were taking orders from the New World Order crowd as far back as 1913. There would be no AMERICANS today had the U.S. become a member state in the League of Nations in 1920.

The globalist went full throttle after the traitors in the U.S. Senate ratified membership in the United Nations in 1945. BLM, Socialists/Communists, environmental freakazoids, rank& file parasites, idiots who wear masks because they believe the coronavirus flu will wipe out the human race. Do-gooders saving the world do not realize that everything they are doing to destroy this country originates in United Nations. In addition to the U.N.’s population controls the New World Order crowd will kill hundreds of millions in engineered civil wars until everyone see themselves a citizens of the world in order to govern through the U.N. This is their governing philosophy in 62 words:

Another knockout punch delivered by Canada Free Press:

We are hounded daily that war is peace. Rioters and arsonists are peaceful protesters. Freedom is slavery. Covid-19 is a deadly pandemic. Face masks are for our health. We should trust the media. Ignorance is strength. The Marxist-styled-governance and draconian policies of Democratic politicians in America today can easily be found in the writings of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and in George Orwell’s “1984”.

#WhiteHouseSiege in Lafayette Square, Washington, DC

A 50-day #WhiteHouseSiege in Lafayette Square, Washington, DC is scheduled to begin on Thursday, September 17th, for the main purpose of ramping up the visual anarchy and unrest in our Nation’s Capital, for all the world to witness, as the 2020 presidential election grows closer. But, ostensibly, it is more about getting people used to the concept that President Trump plans to ‘steal’ the election, which is a well-known Alinsky tactic of ‘accusing the other side of what you are, in fact, doing’.

Pursuant to Orwell’s ‘1984’ they apply the ‘Ministry of Truth’ to rewrite historical records to conform to the state’s ever-changing version of what is true and what is not—broadcasted 24/7 to an ignorant populous by a complicit, propaganda-driven-media. It becomes nearly impossible for righteous men to argue against their pompous-high-ground-truisms such as, “We would rather be morally correct than factually correct.”

One thing that is ‘factually correct’ is that more of us are coming to realize Covid-19 is a media-hyped pandemic created solely for political purposes. The coronavirus is a scam—a swindle. It is high time we come to understand that we are in the midst of a global crime of horrific proportions. According to the New World Order planners, stated in a Rockefeller Foundation report, a global pandemic must result in increased controls, where people will gladly surrender their freedoms in order to feel safe.

The Democrats used Covid-19 as a double-edged sword by first taking a sledge hammer to Trump’s MAGA economy, and then used the quarantines, face masks, and social distancing to generate enough pent-up anger amongst the people, after being locked down for three-four months, to easily justify the next phase of their assault. And so, waiting in the wings for the scripted-director’s-call to center stage, came Black Lives Matter and Antifa to create the crucial violence in the streets, where their lawless anarchy was purposely staged to divide and separate the races, identifying all whites as racist, as stipulated in the 1619 project.

BLM movement stirred the demands for reparations and violence against their abstract white racism

The BLM movement stirred the demands for reparations and violence against their abstract white racism, which became acceptable and, therefore, impossible for the Democrats to stop the violence. And, for this reason, in the demented minds of the Democrats, having planned these actions will, therefore, not arrest or make any negative allegations against the out-of-control-mobs. In the eyes of the cultural Marxist BLM, police and their enforcement of laws are seen as white privilege, which in turn becomes white racism, concluding that the white man’s laws are in the way of true justice. Meanwhile, working or middle-class white Americans have been threatened into a near deafening silence.

And so, with the Democrat’s planned insurrection and treason running in the background, we work our way cautiously toward the November 3rd presidential election, where massive chaos and mayhem will rule the day. And, on that day, there are many who believe President Donald Trump will easily be reelected in a landslide, in what some are referring to as a ‘Red Mirage’. And, therefore, under normal circumstances, President Trump would, on that very night, claim victory.

But, because this Election Night will be anything but under-normal-circumstances, we come to the aforementioned, But Then…

Firstly, the Democrats, the Never-Trump-Republicans, along with all of Washington’s bureaucratic-Obama-loyalists, find themselves again in a most desperate position knowing that the polls with Joe Biden in the lead are fake and know that it will be a physical impossibility for Biden to win—legitimately that is… And, therefore, any and all, even deadly tactics, will be acceptably in-play to make Joe Biden their new president-elect.

Meanwhile, their slow-thinking-candidate, Joe Biden, who absentmindedly included in a recent speech the type written words, “End of Quote” from his teleprompter, has been told by his handlers, ‘You will not concede the election under any circumstances—got it Joe?’
80 million mail-in ballots have been sent out

Which brings us to the reason why all demonic democratic governors have demanded mail-in ballots, which have absolutely nothing to do with Covid-19 safety. No, mail-in ballots are being used in almost all democratic states for the sole purpose of controlling the outcome, aka: stealing, the presidential election. PERIOD!

Historically, a large percentage of Republicans will vote in person while, just like clockwork, an even larger percentage of fearful-Covid-minded-Democrats, will vote by mail-in ballots. In his Labor Day speech, President Trump said that nearly 80 million mail-in ballots have been sent out, making this the largest magnitude of mail-in ballots ever tried in any country before.

Although all states permit mail-in ballots to be received/date-stamped before Election Day, no ballot cast/received/date stamped after November 3rd can be considered constitutionally valid. Which also implies that counting harvested, or un-postmarked ballots, that arrive (un-date-stamped) or are suddenly found after Election Day, would also be unconstitutional.

The question becomes: At the typical polling place, there is a curtain or screen for the purpose of making each vote confidential or giving each the right to a secret ballot, but we lose that right of confidentially where another person opens our mail-in ballot with our name and will know for whom each of us voted, and then potentially posting our names and vote onto a list—which is wrong and should be entirely illegal.

But, even if all mail-in ballots were to be considered completely legit if received before Election Day, there are three swing states—Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania—where no mail-in vote can be counted until after the polls close on Election Day, which based on the potential volume, could take days/weeks to count and certify. A quick look at the mail-in ballot requests of just one of these states may give you even more indigestion.

Will this massive mail-in vote cheating scheme by the Democrats work?

In just the state of Pennsylvania, Democrats have so far requested over 900,000 mail-in ballots, while the Republicans have asked for only 350,000, giving the Dems a 39% advantage. It has been said that both political parties will cheat—the Democrats are just better at it. And, therefore, there will be an untold number of ways in which the better-at-it-Democrats plan to ‘count’ the mail-in vote of this entirely-eccentric-election.

And, as if by design, even after all the mail-in ballots are counted, half the country will not accept the results, leading to a contested election in order to fuel a massive coup attempt, already in play by the ongoing #White House Siege. The violence in the lead up to the election will only become more amplified. Attacks by the BLM on whites will escalate as they are continually encouraged by the likes of Pelosi, Harris, Obama, and others to strike out at anyone who resists them.

So, where does this leave us? In a civil war? No! Not even close. Will this massive mail-in vote cheating scheme by the Democrats work? Doubtfully! But, will President Trump accept their fraudulent results? No! Never! We must keep in mind that Donald J. Trump is a street-fighter and he will not go down or leave the office without using every legal option and power of the Presidency to prove their fraudulent counts/results.

Trump supporters, however, need to realize the danger, always mindful of situational awareness of their surroundings and be prepared to act accordingly. But, know this too will eventually pass.

You, and your prayers to the Good Lord, are the only ones who can stop the Democrats. You must commit now to do whatever you can (work phone banks, go door-to-door, call your state GOP office to volunteer) to make sure that President Trump is reelected by such a wide majority that Biden will be forced to concede. It will not be easy. Roll up your sleeves. Get to work. Plan to survive and we will. And, with your help, America will not only survive but courageously push through to the other side, where once again we will be One Nation under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum - If you desire peace, prepare for war.

Trump Will Be Reelected In A Landslide, But Then...
By Fredy Lowe
September 10, 2020