Blondi Never Bit Anyone


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Hitler's pet dog Blondi, c. 1942

Report: Joe Biden’s Dog ‘Major’ Bit White House Security, Moved to Delaware
by Jacob Bliss
8 Mar 2021
...Hitler murdered Blondi before offing himself.

To Dutch Uncle: How come you and your kind call it humane when you kill people by the millions? but you call this murder:

During the course of 29 April 1945, Hitler learned of the death of his ally Benito Mussolini at the hands of Italian partisans. This, along with the fact the Soviet Red Army was closing in on his location, strengthened Hitler in his resolve not to allow himself or his wife to be captured. That afternoon, Hitler expressed doubts about the cyanide capsules he had received through Heinrich Himmler's SS. By this point, Hitler regarded Himmler as a traitor. To verify the capsules' contents, Hitler—who already intended to have Blondi killed so that she did not fall into the hands of the Russians—ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test one on Blondi, and the dog died as a result. Hitler became completely inconsolable.

According to a report commissioned by Joseph Stalin and based on eyewitness accounts, Hitler's dog handler, Feldwebel Fritz Tornow, took Blondi's pups and shot them in the garden of the bunker complex on 30 April, after Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. He also killed Eva Braun's two dogs, Frau Gerda Christian's dogs, and his own dachshund. Tornow was later captured by the Allies. Erna Flegel who met Hitler and worked at the emergency casualty station in the Reich Chancellery stated in 2005 that Blondi's death had affected the people in the bunker more than Eva Braun's suicide. After the battle in Berlin ended, the remains of Hitler, Braun, and two dogs (thought to be Blondi and her offspring Wulf) were discovered in a shell crater by a unit of SMERSH, the Soviet counter-intelligence agency. The dog thought to be Blondi was exhumed and photographed by the Soviets.

Incidentally, will Joe & Jill go sideways when the American people close in on him before he turns into a turnip?

So that's who stole Major? Sonofabitch!
That dog loved me. He'd run away from home a mile and a half away to come to my house.
Then I'd call my friend and he'd take him back home.
He disappeared one day, somebody stole him!
Guess it was Biden! Grr!
The good news is the dogs will be returning to the WH after the First Lady return from her trip. I like having dogs in the WH and it has been a few years, since the last President does not like animal pets, he prefers people pets instead.
The good news is the dogs will be returning to the WH after the First Lady return from her trip. I like having dogs in the WH and it has been a few years, since the last President does not like animal pets, he prefers people pets instead.

To CASPER: The dog can return, but not Biden after he is tested for rabies:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Biden has been removed from the White House for evaluation by a team of physicians after biting one of the aides.

"We are so shocked," said Chief of Staff Ron Klain of the incident. "He has always been so docile and well behaved-- always limiting his interactions to sniffing and friendly licks. He's never bitten anyone like this."

Experts have suggested that the new environment and activity has been traumatizing to the President, and are suggesting adjusting his diet and perhaps a few weeks at obedience school to remedy the situation.

"Worst case scenario, we may have to put him down," said Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician. "Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but sometimes these things happen."

Vice President Kamala Harris has assured the American people that Biden will be sent to a nice farm upstate where he can run free.

Biden Removed From White House After Biting Aide
March 9th, 2021
Family guy at the butcher.

He needs to take a pill.


Why don't you go in there and order something. FORGET IT! Big mac meal supersize it.

The cult following.

It came out really good. You don't have to over do it. This isn't Park or 5th ave.
Look across the street. This chit is stupid. Can you get me a job?

Can you take me fishing? Come on take me fishing. Let's just go fishing together and catch porgies.
Can you make me something to eat.

It's just me and the big Ragu around the corner. We have no one.
Blondi never took a crap in Hitler’s house!

Only a day after it was revealed that one of the dogs, for a second time, bit a federal worker at the estate, one of the animals left a pile on the White House floor.

As in a pile of "poo," according to a White House media pool report.

Oh poop! No. 2 trouble piles up for Biden's White House dogs
By Bob Unruh
Published March 31, 2021 at 4:51pm

Frankly, I think the Phantom Shitter got even with Biden for pulling on his tail:

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows -- dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me, and for me to grab the ball,” Biden explained.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom, and I grabbed the ball like this and he ran,” Biden continued. “And I'm joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on.”

Joe Biden says he was chasing dog after shower when he broke foot
By Brooke Singman
Published December 4

I can only hope Senile Joe is not barefooted when he steps in dog shit.
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