

New member
In debates over Capital Punishment Liberals will often say of the quote, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" that if such thinking was followed to it's logical conclusion, the world would be blind and toothless. Liberals are the first to say that we should turn the other cheek and only fight as a last resort. So, it bothers me when so many have a blood lust when it comes to the last administration. For me, it is enough to know that for all there will be a day of reckoning.

As a Nation we are faced with so many troubles that will go unsolved if we wasted our time fighting. Given the choice between seeing men like Rove and Cheney behind bars or seeing the Country's economy thriving with healthcare for all, I will take the latter. Yes, we do need to resolve what was done in our name. The world must realize that we will never again use torture, but will pursuing a vendetta against the last administration help or hinder that. I think if we want a bloodbath that will be all that we will get. We will change nothing and one day, we will repeat all the same crimes. What is more, our economy will go into the toilet and the healthcare crisis will become even worse. So, I ask you, what do you really want?