Blue City Plans To Defund Its Police Force To Pay For Illegal Immigrants

Denver, which is commonly referred to as a “sanctuary city,” announced on Wednesday that it will spend $89.9 million on services for incoming illegal migrants, pulling some of the funding from roughly $45 million in public programs and services. Denver’s police department will be hit with an $8.4 million reduction


Defund police” is such an easy knee jerk hot button for you stupid fucks.

Budget reductions for Denver went across the board - all departments - yet you dumbfucks will believe it’s merely defunding the police.

Fucking lemmings
Defund police” is such an easy knee jerk hot button for you stupid fucks.

Budget reductions for Denver went across the board - all departments - yet you dumbfucks will believe it’s merely defunding the police.

Fucking lemmings

What a stupid comment.