Bob Barr is Gay


God Bless America
Less than a month after referring to global warming as a myth (which I applauded), John McCain's parasitic twin, Bob Barr, has chosen to suck Al Gore's dick.

I'm sure they'll be very happy together.

That is the final straw -- Bob Barr has officially lost my vote. If I wanted that sort of compromise, I'd just vote for McCain. But as it stands I'll be voting for Chuck Baldwin in November.
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Less than a month after referring to global warming as a myth (which I applauded), John McCain's parasitic twin, Bob Barr, has chosen to suck Al Gore's dick.

I'm sure they'll be very happy together.

That is the final straw -- Bob Barr has officially lost my vote. If I wanted that sort of compromise, I'd just vote for McCain. But as it stands I'll be voting for Chuck Baldwin in November.

Sorry, but a minister who is anti-gays, and against anyone who is not judeo-christian is not what we need.

You really just want to plug your ears and pretend it's not happening, don't you?

Global warming is real, but it's not caused by man.

If you believe the Earth is billions of years ago, then you believe its climate has undergone very drastic changes over time, right? Hell, volcanoes spew out a hundred times more CO2 in any given year than mankind has released in a century.

Al Gore is an asshole, liar, and hypocrite.

Isn't it ironic that Bush's house is far more environmentally-friendly than Gore's house?

Gore and Barr and go eff themselves. :321:
I think I overreacted a bit.

Al Gore is an asshole, so any time somebody joins forces with him, I tend to be very skeptical of that person. Who knows...I might still vote for Barr. I have several months to decide.
So Mankind has no effect on global warming at all ?

I think its safe to say that mankind has some effect. The heat released from all of our industry has to go somewhere, as the laws of thermodynamics state.

But compared to the other forces effecting the temperatures on this planet, our effects are very minor indeed.
I think its safe to say that mankind has some effect. The heat released from all of our industry has to go somewhere, as the laws of thermodynamics state.

But compared to the other forces effecting the temperatures on this planet, our effects are very minor indeed.

I really am not certaqin on that. I think the earths balance might so close and man might not have to do too much to effect the outcome.

One mosquito fart might do it. So surely A Mack Truck Fart would blow things all out of whack.