Bob Barr says Rs are working behind the scenes to talk him out of running

yeah Go bob Go , maybe you can make the libertarian party the party the republican part once was which is an honest party.
All we really have to do is mess them up for a few elections until they decide they can't win without modifying their platform to incorporate more libertarian positions.

Then we have them by the balls like Naderco & MoveOn have the Democrats.

I hate the two party system, but it is sometimes possible to use it to the voter's advantage.

if moveon had the dems by the balls how did Clinton lose dude.

You police your own party ours is working much better than yours.
Desh you are welcome to believe whatever you want, but Moveon, DailyKos, and groups like them have a large degree of influence on your party.

Republicans have their own: The NRA, the Christian Coalition, Club for Growth.

Presumably the Libertarians would as well if the two wings of the Mobius Party ever allowed us to spread our message and gain political power.
The only real third parties in plurality systems are formed from the corpses of older parties or splits from the major parties. The Liberal Democrats in England, whom everyone talks so much about as a violation of Dueregers, are a combination of both. The Libertarians have no chance. Even a centre party, like the Independence party in Michigan, which at once held the governership, never managed to get more than two seats in the legislator (who were blockaded by the other two parties, and not allowed to submit legislation, speak, or join a committee), is disintegrating.
Bob Barr says Rs are working behind the scenes to talk him out of running

Democrats did the same thing to Ralph Nader in 2004.... Seems to be a trend among the power mongering partisan "power brokers", anything that threatens the duopolistic lock on control that the Republicrats hold must be suppressed.
Democrats did the same thing to Ralph Nader in 2004.... Seems to be a trend among the power mongering partisan "power brokers", anything that threatens the duopolistic lock on control that the Republicrats hold must be suppressed.
I better start suppressing then. :D

(Disclaimer: this is sarcasm. It should in no way be taken as an actual opinion or an endorsement of the activity of suppression. Nor should it be taken as an admission of my ability to be a "Power Broker" or even a player.)
I better start suppressing then. :D

(Disclaimer: this is sarcasm. It should in no way be taken as an actual opinion or an endorsement of the activity of suppression. Nor should it be taken as an admission of my ability to be a "Power Broker" or even a player.)

You are the biggest dork on here!