Boehner: Next Fight Over Trillions, not Billions


Staff member

This week, Congress is moving toward approval of an agreement on the largest spending cut in history to help begin to create a better environment for private-sector job growth.

(Damo's Opinion: Sad that this is the largest in history, yet it was barely 1% of the Deficit Spending).

While the president's party still controls Washington, House Republicans have dragged a reluctant Senate and White House into taking this imperfect first step toward getting spending under control. The agreement will reduce government spending by $38.5 billion over the next few months — and by hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming decade.

This is real money. And as Stanford University economics professor John B. Taylor observed, "Reducing discretionary spending in 2011 ... will help establish credibility and show that government can actually take needed actions, not just promise to take them."

More at link...
The Tea Party has been making noises about challenging him. Don't you think they can unseat him?

From his Congressional seat? No. I don't think they can. If they can't unseat Reid, they won't be able to with Boehner who is largely on their side. A six month stay of execution so that the real epic battle for fiscal sanity can be fought in an election year? I doubt that this will make it possible to unseat Boehner. Now, if they are able to elect more Congresspersons in 2012 they may be able to replace him as speaker, but that is a heavy order they'll need more than a few seats.
while boehner can still blame the dems for holding out on spending cuts, he'll be re-elected. If the dems really wanted to get boehner out of office, all they'd have to do is demand higher spending cuts than even boehner would want to do.
A Tea Party leader is vociferously abandoning support for House Speaker John Boehner, writing in a blog post that the Ohio Republican has looked like "a fool" in recent House debates over the federal budget, and comparing him and comparing him unfavorably to actor Charlie Sheen, whose recent comments have garnered a lot of attention recently.

"You look like a fool," wrote Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips, in a message on the group's blog. "Charlie Sheen is now making more sense than John Boehner."

Phillips, a controversial figure with a history of making inflammatory statements (most recently about the mass shootings in Tucson, Arizona, which killed 6 and injured 14), wrote that "it is time to primary John Boehner."

Citing a 2010 GOP campaign pledge to cut $100 billion from the federal budget, Phillips wrote that House Republicans, who recently passed a budget that cut only $61 billion (which itself is unlikely to pass through the Senate), had fallen short on their promises.

"Early on, the GOP promised to cut $100 billion from the budget," Phillips said. "The Republicans in the House quickly went squishy on that and had to be cajoled into cutting only $61 billion. Now, John Boehner is saying when the Senate comes back and they start negotiating...the $61 billion figure is not safe."

"The honeymoon is over," Phillips declared in the headline of the piece.

"There is no other way to put this," he wrote. "The Tea Party movement should find a candidate to run against John Boehner in 2012 and should set as a goal, to defeat in a primary, the sitting Speaker of the House of Representatives."

In an interview with CNN, Phillips added that Boehner was not "operating from a position of strength."

However, despite this threat from Phillips, Boehner appears unlikely to face much of a challenge to keep his seat in Congress, as senior political reporter Brian Montopoli points out.

"Boehner is not in serious danger of losing his seat, which he has held since 1991, barring some serious gaffe," Montopoli said. "He has massive name recognition as well as fundraising capabilities that a primary opponent could not compete with. But Phillips knows he can generate attention for himself and raise money for his group by floating the possibility."

Amy Kremer, chairman of the Tea Party Express, expressed similar frustrations with the GOP's lack of success in enacting more drastic budget cuts, but largely attributed the failure to a "very difficult situation."

"I can't say I'm extremely happy with [Republican] leadership," Kremer told CNN. "But I do think that they have taken steps in the right direction. I don't think we can be purists about this. We're in a very, very difficult situation. And we did not get here overnight." But, she continued, "can they cut more? Absolutely."

Do you think Boehner will be re-elected?

I assume that Boehner funded Obamacare in all this. I'm sure he didn't draw the line.

If that's the case, he may have big problems getting re-elected.

Many anti-Obamacare voters expected him to draw the line and make the defunding of this healthcare crap part of the budget deal.

Obamacare is now becoming known as Boehnercare.

I called his office and emailed telling them to let Boehner know that I will do all I can legally do to get him replaced in the primaries if he funds one more dime to Boehnercare. Or Obamacare?

That was a month ago.

The media isn't telling the public of just how much of an issue this healthcare crap is.
I assume that Boehner funded Obamacare in all this. I'm sure he didn't draw the line.

If that's the case, he may have big problems getting re-elected.

Many anti-Obamacare voters expected him to draw the line and make the defunding of this healthcare crap part of the budget deal.

Obamacare is now becoming known as Boehnercare.

I called his office and emailed telling them to let Boehner know that I will do all I can legally do to get him replaced in the primaries if he funds one more dime to Boehnercare. Or Obamacare?

That was a month ago.

The media isn't telling the public of just how much of an issue this healthcare crap is.

Obamacare is going to crush the dems for sure.
while boehner can still blame the dems for holding out on spending cuts, he'll be re-elected. If the dems really wanted to get boehner out of office, all they'd have to do is demand higher spending cuts than even boehner would want to do.

No, here's what they have to do to get rid of Boehner... launch a nationwide smear campaign on him, relentlessly focusing on his personal life, his family, digging up details of his past... like they did with Newt. Turn Boehner into DNC Public Enemy #1, make him out to be the spawn of Satan... you know, like they did with Newt? After so many months of this noise, Boehner eventually steps down as Speaker of the House, for the good of the party, to remove himself as the lightning rod... like Newt did.
No, here's what they have to do to get rid of Boehner... launch a nationwide smear campaign on him, relentlessly focusing on his personal life, his family, digging up details of his past... like they did with Newt. Turn Boehner into DNC Public Enemy #1, make him out to be the spawn of Satan... you know, like they did with Newt? After so many months of this noise, Boehner eventually steps down as Speaker of the House, for the good of the party, to remove himself as the lightning rod... like Newt did.

Yeah, the Democrats are running the Tea Party.

boehner is dead in the water.

They only way to please the tea party is to dismantle the country.

If he does their bidding there wont be any government left to hold elections
boehner is dead in the water.

They only way to please the tea party is to dismantle the country.

If he does their bidding there wont be any government left to hold elections

It's sad to know that when bread costs $50.00, people like you won't think your gods (the dems) had any fault in it.

One thing that's good to know is, "government worshipers such as yourself will enjoy the full effects of it".
Damo I didn't see any discussion over "Next Fight Over Trillions".

Are you talking about the upcoming vote to increase the deficit ceiling?

If the GOP congress can stop that from happening it won't matter what the budget is. If they can't borrow the money the government has to be on austerity. And we're not talking about shutting down to so-called "essential" services. They will be forced to prioritize and spend only as much as the revenue stream.

I'd really look forward to that happening. :)
Damo I didn't see any discussion over "Next Fight Over Trillions".

Are you talking about the upcoming vote to increase the deficit ceiling?

If the GOP congress can stop that from happening it won't matter what the budget is. If they can't borrow the money the government has to be on austerity. And we're not talking about shutting down to so-called "essential" services. They will be forced to prioritize and spend only as much as the revenue stream.

I'd really look forward to that happening. :)

That would be the debt.

Boehner was talking about next year's budget which should be passed in October (doubt it will be).
That would be the debt.

Boehner was talking about next year's budget which should be passed in October (doubt it will be).

Yes the debt ceiling. We're going to bump into it again and Congress will have to vote to increase it or they won't be able to spend the money according to the budget just passed. That would result in an austerity budget plan and would be awesome.