Books for the Christians

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[h=2]Books for the Christians[/h]
Just because someone is a christian does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or educate him (her).

Christianity is a delusion and like any other delusion it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross and forsaken. Christianity is not a special practice that is exempt from our criticism and judgment simply because they claim they were raised that way, or just want to be free to practice their faith, or say that it is rational. Christians are born with a tendency to believe fanciful superstitions.

Does that make it okay? People want to get along with each other, but since when is "getting along" the determiner of what is sane and insane? If christianity is a sound belief system, then why is god invisible? The great majority of christians interact with an imaginary friend. Are they "more" sane than a schizophrenic?

Please understand that I don't hate christians. I wouldn't care if my neighbor is christian. I've had christian friends and have tried to educate them the same as I would anyone else.

But, science, skeptics, intelligent people say christianity is a delusion and the solution to the problem of delusion (The God Delusion, Dawkins, 2006) is found only in learning to read. Dawkins is the greatest, the savior, the risen King of evolutionary biology. Christopher Hitchens is Dawkins in flesh (God is not Great, 2007) and he died to save the irrational. We are all proles and we need educating (The End of Faith, Harris; 2004) that is found in receiving books to read (Letter to a Christian Nation, Harris, 2006).

We informed citizens should hope for the education of the christian the same as we would for any other person trapped in any other delusion. This is not an issue of arrogance or judgmentalism. We don't want anyone to be stupid due to their delusion and that includes christians, muslims, and scientologists.

The christian is born in the image of millions of humans that existed beforehand -- even though he (or she) denies the true age of the earth.

Therefore, we educated people should show christians the same dignity as anyone else with whom we think is stupid.

Don't roll your eyes at them.

Don't placate them.

Don't humor them.

Inform them that intelligence and knowledge about the world are found in Christopher Hitchens. Let them know that Hitchens loves us and died for us so that we might be delivered from the consequences of our ignorance.

But, this does not mean that you are to approve of what they think. Don't compromise your witness for a socially acceptable opinion that is void of rationality, intelligence, and scholarly truth. Instead, stand firm in the word that Dawkins has revealed and patiently educate him/her scholarly, and educate for their betterment. Be kind to them. Be loving. And, when appropriate, tell them the encyclopedias.

Finally, if you are a christian, please understand that I do not placate you nor do I humor you. Delusion is delusion and the eradication of our delusions is found in Hitchens.​
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