Boren says Congress should push for removal of unconfirmed "czars"


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U.S. Rep. Dan Boren (D-Okla.)
By JIM MYERS World Washington Bureau
Published: 9/8/2009 9:08 PM
Last Modified: 9/8/2009 9:09 PM

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Dan Boren said Congress should use the power of the purse to push the Obama administration to remove so-called czars that do not go through a confirmation process.

Responding to questions during a telephonic town hall, the Oklahoma Democrat said he was glad Van Jones, who resigned over the weekend as controversy continued to build over past statements, has left his post.

Boren joined others in criticizing the growing trend to name czars to lead efforts in specific areas.

Such officials do not go through oversight hearings or a confirmation vote in the Senate.

Boren referred to them as unelected bureaucrats who do not answer to lawmakers. “It is something I have heard a lot about,’’ he said.

Even though such czars do not go through a confirmation process, Boren cited the “authority’’ that came along with the congressional control over the power of the purse.

He also singled out Cass Sunstein, who was picked by Obama to be the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget.

Boren cited Sunstein’s reported views on animal rights, adding they are out of step with those of Oklahomans.

“I don’t believe he should be appointed to anything,’’ Boren said.

With his nomination sent to the Senate in April, Sunstein does not appear to fall in the same category as a czar.

Responding to other questions, Boren repeated his opposition to the current version of health care legislation, especially the so-called public option, and the House-passed bill designed to address climate change.

He also reminded callers of his measure that would promote the use of natural gas.


U.S. Rep. Dan Boren (D-Okla.)
By JIM MYERS World Washington Bureau
Published: 9/8/2009 9:08 PM
Last Modified: 9/8/2009 9:09 PM

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Dan Boren said Congress should use the power of the purse to push the Obama administration to remove so-called czars that do not go through a confirmation process.

Responding to questions during a telephonic town hall, the Oklahoma Democrat said he was glad Van Jones, who resigned over the weekend as controversy continued to build over past statements, has left his post.

Boren joined others in criticizing the growing trend to name czars to lead efforts in specific areas.

Such officials do not go through oversight hearings or a confirmation vote in the Senate.

Boren referred to them as unelected bureaucrats who do not answer to lawmakers. “It is something I have heard a lot about,’’ he said.

Even though such czars do not go through a confirmation process, Boren cited the “authority’’ that came along with the congressional control over the power of the purse.

He also singled out Cass Sunstein, who was picked by Obama to be the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget.

Boren cited Sunstein’s reported views on animal rights, adding they are out of step with those of Oklahomans.

“I don’t believe he should be appointed to anything,’’ Boren said.

With his nomination sent to the Senate in April, Sunstein does not appear to fall in the same category as a czar.

Responding to other questions, Boren repeated his opposition to the current version of health care legislation, especially the so-called public option, and the House-passed bill designed to address climate change.

He also reminded callers of his measure that would promote the use of natural gas.


Cass Sunstein? Really? He's next on the hit-list? Even though he was nominated and is awaiting Senate approval for a position created in 1980 by Saint Ronnie?

yep, Sustine is NEXT..he is a nutjob..

and I am all for eliminating all CZARS for all administrations..

the only reason this is being called on now is the Hugo Obama has appointed over 34 of them...blame him..

U.S. Rep. Dan Boren (D-Okla.)
By JIM MYERS World Washington Bureau
Published: 9/8/2009 9:08 PM
Last Modified: 9/8/2009 9:09 PM

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Dan Boren said Congress should use the power of the purse to push the Obama administration to remove so-called czars that do not go through a confirmation process.

Responding to questions during a telephonic town hall, the Oklahoma Democrat said he was glad Van Jones, who resigned over the weekend as controversy continued to build over past statements, has left his post.

Boren joined others in criticizing the growing trend to name czars to lead efforts in specific areas.

Such officials do not go through oversight hearings or a confirmation vote in the Senate.

Boren referred to them as unelected bureaucrats who do not answer to lawmakers. “It is something I have heard a lot about,’’ he said.

Even though such czars do not go through a confirmation process, Boren cited the “authority’’ that came along with the congressional control over the power of the purse.

He also singled out Cass Sunstein, who was picked by Obama to be the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget.

Boren cited Sunstein’s reported views on animal rights, adding they are out of step with those of Oklahomans.

“I don’t believe he should be appointed to anything,’’ Boren said.

With his nomination sent to the Senate in April, Sunstein does not appear to fall in the same category as a czar.

Responding to other questions, Boren repeated his opposition to the current version of health care legislation, especially the so-called public option, and the House-passed bill designed to address climate change.

He also reminded callers of his measure that would promote the use of natural gas.


I totally agree with him.
yep, Sustine is NEXT..he is a nutjob..

and I am all for eliminating all CZARS for all administrations..

the only reason this is being called on now is the Hugo Obama has appointed over 34 of them...blame him..

And thus I approvingly cite to the Wall Street Journal op-ed page for the first and only time ever:

We still don't know much about how Barack Obama plans to overhaul our financial regulatory system, but his reported appointment of Cass Sunstein to an important post is a promising sign.

Mr. Sunstein, a professor at Harvard Law School, is no conservative -- far from it. But his writings on regulation and the herd mentality deserve a voice in the incoming Administration. From his new post as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs inside the White House, he would have an opportunity to put into practice some of the ideas he has written about as an academic.

"Credit regulation raises immense challenges, and there is a serious danger that, in light of the current crisis, government regulators will overreact," Mr. Sunstein wrote in an op-ed on these pages last August. "The fundamental line of defense should be improving market competition, not eliminating it. And to improve competition, transparency is the place to start." That piece, co-authored with the University of Chicago's Richard Thaler, argued that better disclosure, combined with technology, would be more effective than playing "regulatory whack-a-mole" with unpopular industry practices.

In other work, Mr. Sunstein has developed the concept of an "availability cascade" -- the way in which ideas gain prominence simply by being prominent, until we take their truth for granted. This too is a useful insight as the Obama Administration weighs whether to crack down on financial innovation for no better reason than because it seems like a popular reaction to the credit crisis. It's also a useful concept for resisting political fads -- killer apples with Alar, silicone breast implants causing cancer, oceans rising to swallow Florida from global warning -- that can impose huge economic costs when not challenged.

Odds are that you've never heard of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, but it plays a central role within the executive branch in vetting regulatory proposals. Mr. Sunstein brings important qualifications to that role, and Mr. Obama has made a savvy choice in putting him there.

P.S. We'd love to be in the room during his first dispute with Carol Browner, the new climate change czar and über-regulator. Can someone tape it?

U.S. Rep. Dan Boren (D-Okla.)
By JIM MYERS World Washington Bureau
Published: 9/8/2009 9:08 PM
Last Modified: 9/8/2009 9:09 PM

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Dan Boren said Congress should use the power of the purse to push the Obama administration to remove so-called czars that do not go through a confirmation process.

Responding to questions during a telephonic town hall, the Oklahoma Democrat said he was glad Van Jones, who resigned over the weekend as controversy continued to build over past statements, has left his post.

Boren joined others in criticizing the growing trend to name czars to lead efforts in specific areas.

Such officials do not go through oversight hearings or a confirmation vote in the Senate.

Boren referred to them as unelected bureaucrats who do not answer to lawmakers. “It is something I have heard a lot about,’’ he said.

Even though such czars do not go through a confirmation process, Boren cited the “authority’’ that came along with the congressional control over the power of the purse.

He also singled out Cass Sunstein, who was picked by Obama to be the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget.

Boren cited Sunstein’s reported views on animal rights, adding they are out of step with those of Oklahomans.

“I don’t believe he should be appointed to anything,’’ Boren said.

With his nomination sent to the Senate in April, Sunstein does not appear to fall in the same category as a czar.

Responding to other questions, Boren repeated his opposition to the current version of health care legislation, especially the so-called public option, and the House-passed bill designed to address climate change.

He also reminded callers of his measure that would promote the use of natural gas.

Another fart in the wind...what a joke you people can be!

Czars have been used by every President since Nixon, why are some people so stupid and don't check things out before they have a fit over the issue!

Czars are the just the short name used by the press to describe certain people with long titles.

Sheesh, the Glenn Beck society never shuts up!
oh boy, we are no longer the Limbaugh dittoheads, now we are the Glen Beckers...:cof1:

your Dear Leader has overstepped the use of the Czars and now they should be eliminated..for All Presidents from now on..

isn't progress part of being a progressive...
as if they had a clue who the real 'glen beckers' were. If they did, they'd be truly intimidated.
It doesn't matter whose nonsense you are spouting meme, it is still nonsense! I just call people that fall for this crap stupid!
It doesn't matter whose nonsense you are spouting meme, it is still nonsense! I just call people that fall for this crap stupid!

you're free to call them whatever you'd like, still wouldn't mean you're correct. you also should open up the liberal shell you're in long enough to see the varying groups that actually listen to Beck. It just might shock you a bit.
you're free to call them whatever you'd like, still wouldn't mean you're correct. you also should open up the liberal shell you're in long enough to see the varying groups that actually listen to Beck. It just might shock you a bit.
Good gawd, why would anyone with a lick of sense listen to Beck, talk about crazies, you go right a head and clutter your mind with his crap. it just surprises me you would listen to such junk!

I do come out of my liberal shell, but what I see is just plain ugly, so I like my own littlw world of wonder, awe and love!

Varying groups, like whom? why do groups listen to Beck?
Good gawd, why would anyone with a lick of sense listen to Beck, talk about crazies, you go right a head and clutter your mind with his crap. it just surprises me you would listen to such junk!
I try to listen to everyone. I find that the more material that's presented, the better opportunity for me to actually find whats true and whats not.

I do come out of my liberal shell, but what I see is just plain ugly, so I like my own littlw world of wonder, awe and love!
you sound like Barbara Bush when she said ”Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it’s gonna happen?” ”It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

Varying groups, like whom? why do groups listen to Beck?
you have your die hard conservatives, Libertarians, but the biggest group is the growing number of independents (on the fencers) who prefer less liberal forms of government, those that are more conservative but don't identify with republicans. They listen for the same reasons that I do and what you should pay attention to is not the idea that you consider Beck full of shit, but that they think he's partially telling the truth.
I try to listen to everyone. I find that the more material that's presented, the better opportunity for me to actually find whats true and whats not.

you sound like Barbara Bush when she said ”Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it’s gonna happen?” ”It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

you have your die hard conservatives, Libertarians, but the biggest group is the growing number of independents (on the fencers) who prefer less liberal forms of government, those that are more conservative but don't identify with republicans. They listen for the same reasons that I do and what you should pay attention to is not the idea that you consider Beck full of shit, but that they think he's partially telling the truth.
I feel for you then...sorry, but I can find other better sources then Beck to see what the conservative viewpoint is and they have a mind! and don't sensationalize the issues. I pretty much leave the alphabet news alone, it is more entertainment than news and that is what Olbermann is for me, entertainment in the same way I like Colbert, and Stewart!
I feel for you then...sorry, but I can find other better sources then Beck to see what the conservative viewpoint is and they have a mind! and don't sensationalize the issues. I pretty much leave the alphabet news alone, it is more entertainment than news and that is what Olbermann is for me, entertainment in the same way I like Colbert, and Stewart!
An example of the conservative sites I read

The American Conservative

National Review



Try them, you may find them informative and not as idiotic as Beck!
I feel for you then...sorry, but I can find other better sources then Beck to see what the conservative viewpoint is and they have a mind! and don't sensationalize the issues. I pretty much leave the alphabet news alone, it is more entertainment than news and that is what Olbermann is for me, entertainment in the same way I like Colbert, and Stewart!

maybe you missed the part where I said I listen to all kinds of sources. not just beck.
sources that are more to your line of thinking I guess. dailykos? huffington? anything else you recommend?
Nope, I listed them for you, my conservative sources. I don't read Huffington most of the time. I prefer The Nation, Jim Hightower, Mark Crispin Miller, Common Dreams and alternet, just to name some off the top of my head.

I don't waste my time on Beck, my time is too precious to let garbage in!
Nope, I listed them for you, my conservative sources. I don't read Huffington most of the time. I prefer The Nation, Jim Hightower, Mark Crispin Miller, Common Dreams and alternet, just to name some off the top of my head.

I don't waste my time on Beck, my time is too precious to let garbage in!

yet you read I used to read them also, still do on a rare occasion. i'd place commondreams along the same venue as michael savage. just more contributors.