Boycott goes viral


Repent, America!
What if Starbucks lost 80% of its customers? Christians across the USA are boycotting Starbucks for promoting homosexual ‘marriage’ in Washington State. There is an 80% Christian majority in the USA and 1-2% homosexuals.

“Christians are upset with Starbucks for turning against God, but we are glad to know that Starbucks doesn’t pretend to be for Christians,” said Pastor Steven Andrew, who is president of USA Christian Ministries. He calls every Christian and church to boycott Starbucks. Leviticus 18:22 says, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.”

“This boycott is important because God blesses those who obey Him and judges those who don’t obey Him (2 Chronicles 19:2),” he adds.

Don’t expect to hear sermons with “grab your Starbucks” or to see Starbucks served at churches. “Starbucks is no longer fashionable. If your church still uses Starbucks, then your pastor is a friend of the world,” he adds. God calls those who oppose Him “haters of God” (Romans 1:30).

It is hoped that Christians will quickly share this boycott with their church.

Starbucks overlooked the health concerns for homosexuals. CDC reports that one in five homosexuals have HIV, with many unaware they are sick. The average homosexual dies at 42 years and has a higher depression rate, Cameron reports.

The desire to actually drink coffee has multiplied, go starbucks, stick it to the christian intolerants.

I don't drink the liquid of the crushed bean; but I was at a Starbucks today, with a friend who was meeting someone to discuss advertising.
Sure seemed to be a lot of people patronizing the store;so they must have all been non-Christians. :)
there's another boycott by anti gun groups against starbucks because they refuse to kick out open carriers, preferring instead to let the state laws rule the day. It's being countered by a buycott of gun rights enthusiasts, which may account for starbucks stock going up 4% in the first two days of the boycott.
Starbucks' support for gay rights makes it more likely that I will buy coffee there. But the likelihood is still low, because Starbucks makes shitty coffee. :)