Brainwashed Americans...Disinformation, fear and hate.


Makes the ganglia twitch.
This is what we've become....stupidity on steroids.

Please watch, if you can stand it - this is half of our problem, brainwashed Americans...most of the video is blabbering idiot 'Americans'. The result of poor education, FAUX 'news', Glenn Beck, Hannity, Cavoto, Norquist, Koch Brothers, The John Birch society, who Ron Paul is a part of, et al... Glenn Beck is a small portion of the video, pictured here because his hate filled vitriol is part of the problem. The only truth I heard in the entire video is that the President has violated the Constitution. Which he did by signing the NDAA. Yes, we know the reasons why he signed and it's still bullshit. A constitutional law professor, signing a troop pay bill with unconstitutional acts hidden in it....SHAME. But this has been going on for decades, all part of the plan. Bush #1 started laying the groundwork for this years ago.
As the video goes on, the hatred get worse and worse. How many of you know people like this? How many of you are people like this?
*searching for my troll whacker right now...*

All the republicans fault... Except the bit where dmocrats also make up about half the government. Really guys you're to blame too.

Figure we could make life simpler, select 10 random people from each state with an IQ over 125 and a masters degree or higher. They're the new congress, give them 5 years to make changes. If they haven't improved things by then you can go back to the old way.
All the republicans fault... Except the bit where dmocrats also make up about half the government. Really guys you're to blame too.

Figure we could make life simpler, select 10 random people from each state with an IQ over 125 and a masters degree or higher. They're the new congress, give them 5 years to make changes. If they haven't improved things by then you can go back to the old way.

Yeah, the oligarchy is definitely going to allow that...
All the republicans fault... Except the bit where dmocrats also make up about half the government. Really guys you're to blame too.

Figure we could make life simpler, select 10 random people from each state with an IQ over 125 and a masters degree or higher. They're the new congress, give them 5 years to make changes. If they haven't improved things by then you can go back to the old way.

If that's the criteria, it'll be all Democrats.