Brandonomics, the gift that keep's on giving

Credit card delinquencies surged in 2023, indicating ‘financial stress,’ New York Fed says

Credit card delinquencies surged more than 50% in 2023 as total consumer debt swelled to $17.5 trillion, the New York Fed reported Tuesday.
Total debt rose by $212 billion in the quarter, a 1.2% increase quarterly and about 3.6% from a year ago.
Layoffs increased by 90% in 2023, yet dems keep bragging about how great the economy is while waiting for their social security.
Credit card delinquencies surged in 2023, indicating ‘financial stress,’ New York Fed says

Credit card delinquencies surged more than 50% in 2023 as total consumer debt swelled to $17.5 trillion, the New York Fed reported Tuesday.
Total debt rose by $212 billion in the quarter, a 1.2% increase quarterly and about 3.6% from a year ago.
According to the New York Fed, 14 million mortgages were refinanced during the pandemic refinancing boom, during which home owners extracted $430 billion through cash-out refinances. As a result, mortgages accounted for 82 percent of the increase in total consumer debt since Q4 2019,
Layoffs increased by 90% in 2023, yet dems keep bragging about how great the economy is while waiting for their social security.

Corporate assholes firing people who want unions to protect them possibly?
Because that’s how you manage an economy

You Fucks want to let the corporations just rape everyone like they did in 2008

By refusing to fully implement the laws voted into existence by the peoples power
Thanks for helping prove your “deregulate all industries” idiocy is utter failure in practice

This whole situation is proving the Democratic party has always been correct that good policy is effective in managing an economy
Layoffs increased by 90% in 2023, yet dems keep bragging about how great the economy is while waiting for their social security.
LOL. Make up figures and expect them to be accepted?

Many corporations are laying off workers who refuse to return to the office. As well, the tech industry had record hiring during the trump virus. Now they're trimming the fat.
The rich are doing ok in Biden’s economy the poor are getting crushed by Biden’s economy

The rich did great when Trump was in power. He gave huge tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. Every Repub regime does that. The wealth gap accelerated like never before and the debt went up more in 4 years than ever in 8. Trump cranked the debt up 8 trillion. You cannot wait for more of the same. The only chance the poor and middle class have is getting a Dem in power. The Repubs are a subsidiary of the wealthy and corporations.
Some low info rightys on this board said Trump gave them a tax break too. It was small. The rich made out bigly. I am sure even they can see which part of the tax cut sunsets now and which one is permanent. You guys are suckers.
The rich did great when Trump was in power. He gave huge tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. Every Repub regime does that. The wealth gap accelerated like never before and the debt went up more in 4 years than ever in 8. Trump cranked the debt up 8 trillion. You cannot wait for more of the same. The only chance the poor and middle class have is getting a Dem in power. The Repubs are a subsidiary of the wealthy and corporations.
Some low info rightys on this board said Trump gave them a tax break too. It was small. The rich made out bigly. I am sure even they can see which part of the tax cut sunsets now and which one is permanent. You guys are suckers.

Exlax is one of many who are simply too stupid or too lazy to read. They just repeat what Hannity tells them every night.
Credit card delinquencies surged in 2023, indicating ‘financial stress,’ New York Fed says

Credit card delinquencies surged more than 50% in 2023 as total consumer debt swelled to $17.5 trillion, the New York Fed reported Tuesday.
Total debt rose by $212 billion in the quarter, a 1.2% increase quarterly and about 3.6% from a year ago.

Rate Decreases coming to solve this

They will be able to transfer this debt to lower rate loans or credit cards so they can be paid off in this roaring economy

Your fucked idiot
It’s due to past inflation conditions

Caused by Trumps Inability to manage an economy correctly
trump's trade wars started the inflation. The trump virus created supply chain issues that have long since been corrected.

Right now it's corporate profiteering that has prices higher. CEOs are bragging about it.
