BREAKING!1!! From The Liberal MEdia: ROMNEY IS MORMON!

YEs, that's RIGHT! MITT ROMNEY was secretly recorded by the grandchildren of Jimmy cArter, ina secret closed-door meeting with his closest supporters, and he can clearly be seen on the tape, admitting that he is indeed, a Mormon! This has long been rumored and suspected, but now the scurrilous details have emerged, and the Romney campaign has swung into full damage-control mode. This almost certainly guarantees Obama will win the November elections, as word of Mitt's Mormonism ripples across America!!1!

At the time of this report, no statement had been issued by the Romney campaign on their future. Many believe he should simply pull out of the presidential race now, since this revelation will essentially end his political career. This is devastating because more people in America support the KKK than support Mormonism, according to a recent study by PLU. So he has effectively ended his career as a viable politician with this latest confession.

More to come as it develops, back to you, Rachel!

Thank's Chris... oh, any word on the rumors that Mitt Romney has wealth?
No his 'religion' isn't important unless you know something about the 'White Horse Prophecy' or ...

"Part of the strategy of the LDS leadership is to invest in very powerful and influential holdings. Unlike most churches, they own TV stations (local network affiliates). They own power companies. Most worrisome of all, they have made a concerted effort to buy up thousands of acres of farmland, orchards, etc. under their many “dummy companies.”

Part of the reason the Mormons are doing this, is because their peculiar view of the end-times. Here is where Mitt Romney (or someone very much like him) comes in.

Two separate Mormon prophecies impact this scenario. The first is a belief taught by many LDS leaders – including Brigham Young - that a time would come when the US Constitution would “hang by a thread” and that the elders of Israel (meaning the LDS leadership) would come in and save the day. (10)

Many LDS (and indeed many conservative Americans) believe that today the Constitution is indeed in peril, whether it is from the encroachments on civil liberties from the Homeland Security people OR from groups like the ACLU who seem determined to move through liberal courts to virtually outlaw religion (and especially Christianity) from the public square and public discourse.

How the “elders” would save the Constitution is not entirely clear, but it is presumed that there would be a restoration of the Kingdom of God (LDS church) over the whole nation and that the United Order (11) would be restored by a benevolent LDS Prophet who was also priest and king over America.

Not many Americans know that LDS founder Joseph Smith had himself crowned king over America (soon before he was shot at the Carthage jail by a mob). It is believed that all LDS prophets since him believe themselves to be sovereigns as well.

So yea his hard wired religion is something to consider.