BREAKING!1!! From The Liberal Media: ROMNEY IS WEALTHY!

Rachel, it has just been confirm...hold on... Rachel, can you hear me???

Yes Chris, we hear you... you were saying?

Rachel, we've just confirmed that Mitt Romney is indeed wealthy. He has an untold fortune, as a matter of fact. We're not really sure how much wealth he has, there is so much. We think it might not be as much as the national debt, but more than 99% of Americans.

Rachel: Oh my, so he is indeed a 1%er... that's a stunning detail to this embattled candidate! What more do we know, Chris, is the money all legally obtained, or is much of it from illegal sources and criminal activity?

Chris: Well, we haven't really gotten all the details, but I think it's safe to say, where you find this amount of wealth, there is most likely some corruption, so it certainly wouldn't surprise anyone. In light of the already crippling revelations regarding Romney's race and religion, this latest bombshell will likely be the final straw. We expect his press secretary to announce any moment, that Romney plans to resign from the race and declare himself ineligible to run. We'll keep you posted on MSNBC as details develop, back to you, Rachel!

Rachel: Thanks Chris! Well, there you have it. The somber truth about the man behind the mask. The REAL Mitt Romney... white... Mormon... rich! The stunning turn of events as they've unfolded, have reminded us all that we must always look deeper into the people we vote for. Thank goodness we were here to inform you of this terrible terrible man, before it was too late. Thank you for tuning in!
Teatards are funny, running around like fat trailer trash on Black Friday at Walmart...

Desperate! Panicked!! Frenzied!!!!
Teatards are funny, running around like fat trailer trash on Black Friday at Walmart...

Desperate! Panicked!! Frenzied!!!!

What's funny is that someone like you would support one of these two anti-liberty shit heads.