In other stories, trump saw on TV last night that there was a large reptile attacking buildings in Tokyo... What is Harris doing about this?
In other stories, trump saw on TV last night that there was a large reptile attacking buildings in Tokyo... What is Harris doing about this?

breaking news....The fact that these worthless debates failed in both efforts to move the poll numbers in anybody favors, proves the point....Trump nuts don't care what the idiot says and ppl just ain't down with another black, let alone black woman back in the white house.​

And here I thought that the Conspiracy Theory that Hillary was running an underground Pizza Parlor serving up pizza with toppings that included sliced up dead babies could never be TOPPED!

Leave it to J.D. VANCE and DONALD TRUMP!

TRUMPTARDS are fucking Weird!

breaking news.....listen, Harris, as with Hillary, is more than qualified to be president....and truth is, ppl just ain't down with women leading in this country and the fact she's black puts on another layer of why Trump and she are still tied. What is most discuraging, is that a lot of LATINO voters across the country, are with Trump, and especially in Springfield Oh. This new surge of immigrants are mostly muslim men and blacks and as much as Democrats want to claim them as this large minority base of support, LATINO's have historically voted conservative values. Just look at Texas, Florida and now Ca. That's why I am tired of seeing Democrats waste valuable capital always rallying for Latin voters who never give us our flowers for supporting them. We need to stop supporting this group and stay with those who VOTE you into office.​


breaking news....The fact that these worthless debates failed in both efforts to move the poll numbers in anybody favors, proves the point....Trump nuts don't care what the idiot says and ppl just ain't down with another black, let alone black woman back in the white house.​

A lot of the alt right seems to be about revenge for some sort of imagined slight.