Breaking News: KingRaw! has endoursed Barack Obama!


I dare you to stop us GL
Up until a few days ago, I thought both candidates would be great presidents even though I was behind Obama the whole time due to us agreeing on almost everything. But that disqusting ad McCain made about Obama and sex ed with 5 year olds crossed the line. McCain was already pissing me off with his red meat VP pick and flat out Karl Rove campaigning, but this was the final blow. John McCain IS just like Bush. He will do anything to win! Lies after lies after lies. I thought Big Mac was better than that but I was wrong. He uses his P.O.W story to dodge all the tough questions and distract everyone. He has become Rudy/9-11 was bad so vote for me or it will happen again! I hope the Democrats swiftboat McCain's ass! I'll sit there and laugh when people make up false stuff about him and say he's aiding Bin Laden due to him not telling anyone his plan to get him. Vote for McCain or he won't tell us his plan to capture Bin Laden. KISS MY ASS!

Still waiting to buy my new computer!!!
Well stop the pressed. I am sure everyone feels better knowing who you have endorsed.

Do you need to borrow a few hundred to get your laptop? Its been at least a month since you have been threatening to return.
Up until a few days ago, I thought both candidates would be great presidents even though I was behind Obama the whole time due to us agreeing on almost everything. But that disqusting ad McCain made about Obama and sex ed with 5 year olds crossed the line. McCain was already pissing me off with his red meat VP pick and flat out Karl Rove campaigning, but this was the final blow. John McCain IS just like Bush. He will do anything to win! Lies after lies after lies. I thought Big Mac was better than that but I was wrong. He uses his P.O.W story to dodge all the tough questions and distract everyone. He has become Rudy/9-11 was bad so vote for me or it will happen again! I hope the Democrats swiftboat McCain's ass! I'll sit there and laugh when people make up false stuff about him and say he's aiding Bin Laden due to him not telling anyone his plan to get him. Vote for McCain or he won't tell us his plan to capture Bin Laden. KISS MY ASS!

Still waiting to buy my new computer!!!

Easy there single sider commie---Palin was accused of her last child not belonging to her, banning books, wanting to overturn Row Vrs Wade and get prayer back in public schools--all the while liberials are slamming her and treating the American hero like trailer trash and insulting 80% of the American public at the same time. Obama is a liberial--and they do have a weird sex history. We have time to see if it is a lie, but I would not be suprised at all if it were true.
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