BREAKING: Why Bush will Burn in Hell

Incredible. Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica breaks, and it's all over the news, 24x7. I can't find this anywhere, except for a small blurb on MSNBC.

I hope this explodes. It certainly deserves to.
Holy Crap.

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ron Suskind is on TV reporting that he has top CIA sources on record, who say Bush knew Iraq didn't have WMD, and that Bush ordered a letter forged to falsely link Iraq and Al Qaeda to make the case for his war.

Bush ordered fake letter linking Iraq to 9/11

What are "top CIA sources"?

This is bullshit. You think because this asshole says it, everyone should just believe it?
The white house denied it today - as they are basically obligated too, Suskind pointed out. The AP wrote a story.
This is a non-story this morning. Stuff like this gets ignored & dismissed very quickly.

I think, as a whole, America does not want to know the worst about this admin; they don't want to know that a war can start on lies & deception. They don't want to know that our President is worse than they can imagine. They'd rather hear no evil & see no evil.

Oral sex, they're okay with; that's something they can relate to. Starting a war like this on the whim of a small group of people is too much to wrap their minds around, though.
This is a non-story this morning. Stuff like this gets ignored & dismissed very quickly.

I think, as a whole, America does not want to know the worst about this admin; they don't want to know that a war can start on lies & deception. They don't want to know that our President is worse than they can imagine. They'd rather hear no evil & see no evil.

Oral sex, they're okay with; that's something they can relate to. Starting a war like this on the whim of a small group of people is too much to wrap their minds around, though.

Bush and Cheney wanted to paint a US airforce plane up, as a UN plane and try to get it shot down over iraq to provoke a war. Remember that?

As much as this adminstration lies, I have no problem believing that Suskind has credible sources indicating BushCo forged a document to tie Al Qaeda to Saddam.
If saying "top cia sources said something" were to be treated as evidence, it would get thrown out of court.
ya he said that he has proof but is unwilling to show anyone the proof...
Bush and Cheney wanted to paint a US airforce plane up, as a UN plane and try to get it shot down over iraq to provoke a war. Remember that?

As much as this adminstration lies, I have no problem believing that Suskind has credible sources indicating BushCo forged a document to tie Al Qaeda to Saddam.
