Brits' life-expectancy decreasing.


Satire for Sanity
Life expectancy progress in UK 'stops for first time'

It could be because it's hard to keep on improving every year. It could be because of hard winters, or difficult flu seasons. But we're not sure about exactly what has caused this trend.

It's going to take some time before the dumb Brits realize that that's what happens when their government adds five more years to their working lives before they receive a retirement pension.
The government will never accept that, obviously. Their solution is to elect a government that will.

I, moon, confess to attempting to influence the outcome of elections.
It's going to take some time before the dumb Brits realize that that's what happens when their government adds five more years to their working lives before they receive a retirement pension.
The government will never accept that, obviously. Their solution is to elect a government that will.

I, moon, confess to attempting to influence the outcome of elections.

Life expectancy in the US is also going down.
There is trouble in Russia because the government wants to raise the retirement age. People are openly demonstrating against it.
It's going to take some time before the dumb Brits realize that that's what happens when their government adds five more years to their working lives before they receive a retirement pension.
The government will never accept that, obviously. Their solution is to elect a government that will.

I, moon, confess to attempting to influence the outcome of elections.

In the US, the retirement age used to be close to life expectancy. The retirement age hasn't risen like life expectancy has. You don't see financial implications of that?

The reason for life expectancy leveling off and reversing is the same in the UK as it is in the US: the deep fat fryer.
It's them damn Scots dragging the numbers down. That is what happens when you let a bunch of kilt-wearing, redheaded highlanders in your data pool.
There is trouble in Russia because the government wants to raise the retirement age. People are openly demonstrating against it.

With typical sardonic humor, Putin is proposing to raise the pensionable age for men from 60 to 65. The average life expectancy for men in Russia is 63 ...

More money for his wars, eh? Make Russia Great Again!
In the US, the retirement age used to be close to life expectancy. The retirement age hasn't risen like life expectancy has. You don't see financial implications of that?

The reason for life expectancy leveling off and reversing is the same in the UK as it is in the US: the deep fat fryer.

This was true for several decades. The recent drops in life expectancy over the past few years has been linked to the opioid epidemic, however.
This was true for several decades. The recent drops in life expectancy over the past few years has been linked to the opioid epidemic, however.

I'm not opposed to people killing themselves, be it french fries or drugs, as long as they don't impact me.
In the US, the retirement age used to be close to life expectancy. The retirement age hasn't risen like life expectancy has. You don't see financial implications of that?

The reason for life expectancy leveling off and reversing is the same in the UK as it is in the US: the deep fat fryer.

There didn't used to be a funded retirement age at all. Life expectancy rose, naturally, when the concept was introduced.
There didn't used to be a funded retirement age at all. Life expectancy rose, naturally, when the concept was introduced.

I find it hilarious that you're attempting a correlation between the two unrelated issues. To do so requires ignoring medical technology, industrial and transportation safety, refrigeration and sanitation, as well as environmental improvements.
I find it hilarious that you're attempting a correlation between the two unrelated issues. To do so requires ignoring medical technology, industrial and transportation safety, refrigeration and sanitation, as well as environmental improvements.

The issues aren't unrelated. You can't really believe that, for example, a miner forced to work until aged 65 is a happier and healthier person than a miner who retires at 60 on a good pension. It's a ridiculous assertion and the laugh's on you.
You also mention ' transportation ' as an aid to longevity . Aren't you aware of the filthy polluted air which kills people by the million worldwide ?
The issues aren't unrelated. You can't really believe that, for example, a miner forced to work until aged 65 is a happier and healthier person than a miner who retires at 60 on a good pension. It's a ridiculous assertion and the laugh's on you.
You also mention ' transportation ' as an aid to longevity . Aren't you aware of the filthy polluted air which kills people by the million worldwide ?

You should also be aware that if that same miner and his employer were allowed to save for retirement in his own privately held portfolio he could retire earlier, live perpetually off the interest then bequeath the estate to his heirs. Your beloved Social Security practically ensures that the poor will always be poor.

The air here is clean, maybe where you are they still use horses to haul people around.
It's them damn Scots dragging the numbers down. That is what happens when you let a bunch of kilt-wearing, redheaded highlanders in your data pool.

Always the eurocentric way to attempt to beat into submission any local or indigenous population, same as they did and do in america; same disease.
You should also be aware that if that same miner and his employer were allowed to save for retirement in his own privately held portfolio he could retire earlier, live perpetually off the interest then bequeath the estate to his heirs. Your beloved Social Security practically ensures that the poor will always be poor.

The air here is clean, maybe where you are they still use horses to haul people around.

Yes, yes, if we will only subsidize the aristocracy more eveyone will benefit.
You should also be aware that if that same miner and his employer were allowed to save for retirement in his own privately held portfolio he could retire earlier, live perpetually off the interest then bequeath the estate to his heirs. Your beloved Social Security practically ensures that the poor will always be poor.

The air here is clean, maybe where you are they still use horses to haul people around.

You're simply agreeing that a shorter working life is healthier. The circumstances of retirement are not relevant- other than for you to espouse your capitalist ponzi schemes.
It's going to take some time before the dumb Brits realize that that's what happens when their government adds five more years to their working lives before they receive a retirement pension.
The government will never accept that, obviously. Their solution is to elect a government that will.

I, moon, confess to attempting to influence the outcome of elections.

I think there's something systematic going on globally. I don't deny your view that driving people hard late in life probably takes time off their lifespans, but if you look around the world, there is now an erosion in life expectancy in some wealthy countries, and a great slowdown in gains in most others.

For example, consider the US. Viewed in relative terms, we've been (unusual for us), kicking ass compared to most other wealthy nations in recent years. Since Obamacare passed, our life expectancy has climbed from something like 49th place to 42nd place worldwide. We've leap-frogged several other decent nations (e.g., Portugal and Denmark), and cut 2/3 off the EU's lead over us. Yet, this isn't because the US has had a particular great run of years. In fact, the last two years have sucked, with life expectancy actually falling. It's just things haven't been as bad here as in most other wealthy nations.

This suggests to me that there's something going on (global warming? a pollutant? opioids? wealth inequality? some after-effect of the Great Recession? cultural impacts from the aging of the Baby Boom?), that is hitting health hard in wealthy nations overall, and that the US has just not been hit quite as hard because we had the offsetting effect of improved health insurance in the same era. I'd be interested to hear people's ideas about what that "turn for the worse" might have been.
In the US, the retirement age used to be close to life expectancy. The retirement age hasn't risen like life expectancy has. You don't see financial implications of that?

The reason for life expectancy leveling off and reversing is the same in the UK as it is in the US: the deep fat fryer.

The comparison of life expectancy to retirement age, straight up, like that, is a bit misleading, since a lot of what caused life expectancy to rise was the drop in childhood and infant mortality, which doesn't have any financial implications from a retirement perspective (since they were neither working nor retiring).
You're simply agreeing that a shorter working life is healthier. The circumstances of retirement are not relevant- other than for you to espouse your capitalist ponzi schemes.

How ironic, being that Social Security actually is a Ponzi scheme. Private savings and investments certainly are the opposite of that.