Brits to Build Training Camp for Taliban


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Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan


The Afghan government says that Britain had a secret plan to train 2,000 Taliban fighters

By Jerome Starkey in Kabul
Monday, 4 February 2008

Britain planned to build a Taliban training camp for 2,000 fighters in southern Afghanistan, as part of a top-secret deal to make them swap sides, intelligence sources in Kabul have revealed. The plans were discovered on a memory stick seized by Afghan secret police in December.

The Afghan government claims they prove British agents were talking to the Taliban without permission from the Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, despite Gordon Brown's pledge that Britain will not negotiate. The Prime Minister told Parliament on 12 December: "Our objective is to defeat the insurgency by isolating and eliminating their leaders. We will not enter into any negotiations with these people."
You mean Gordon Brown is a...a...liar?

Well that's certainly news to us here in Britain. To think we and our American brothers in the fight against terrorism actually talked to people in the Taliban.

We've been paying ex-Taliban off for years. In case nobody has noticed half the provincial governors are former Taliban commanders. The last one installed was this chap -

Maybe they like us because we advocate democracy or maybe it's just because we write bigger cheques?
I thought we (USA) started the Taliban and called em freedom fighters.
Or was that the AQ we started, I forget.