Brown out in Mass?

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Guns Guns Guns

As the campaign for the U.S Senate draws to a close, Scott Brown is coming across more and more as a desperate candidate.

He is running for re-election not on his record but by running from the Republican party and lately by attacking his opponent on irrelevant issues.

Brown declined to speak at his party's convention, and his ads barely use the word "Republican."

They also don't say much about what he's done for the people of Massachusetts.

They are mostly folksy shots of him driving his truck and talking to people about how much he cares about them —fishermen, seniors, families, whatever.

What do the ads actually say about his two years in Washington? Not much.

Oh, he has found a few Democrats to endorse him as a bipartisan, saying he often crosses the aisle to vote with Democrats.

Well, you have to look at the record. He generally crosses the aisle when the vote is of little consequence — either it will lose or win by a big margin, or it's on matters of little impact.

On important bills — and especially where the vote is close — he most often sides with his Republican party bosses. Check out Project Vote Smart ( to see how he has voted.

Now, with a little over a month left, and with a voting record he wishes to downplay, Brown has taken to attacking Elizabeth Warren about her biography — her Native American background and her representation of a few corporations as a lawyer.

I think Warren and the people who hired and promoted her have stated clearly that her claim of being part Native American played no role in any employment decision.

I think they even said they had no idea of her racial background. Yet Brown persists in claiming she was improperly seeking affirmative action. And he's been saying it in a bullying way that departs graphically from his “nice-guy” image.

More recently he has been attacking her for representing corporations in two lawsuits.

Heavens! Is anyone else struck by the anomaly of a Republican senator attacking an opponent for working on behalf of businesses?

He's trying to have it both ways. On one side he accuses Warren of being an anti-business fringe leftist. On the other hand, he's painting her as a tool of corporations. Do you sense the disconnect here?

Elizabeth Warren is a bankruptcy law expert and has displayed enormous political skills and tenacity in pushing for the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which already has some strong wins on behalf of all consumers (see

Compare this with a mediocre, if good-looking, politician who has accomplished little for Massachusetts during his term.

Warren is not a one-issue candidate, but she clearly has one focus: to represent the best interests of the people of Massachusetts.

Needham Letter: I am voting for Warren - Needham, Massachusetts - Needham Times