Bu$hCo. War Crimes


Well-known member
One might be happy that Paris Hilton got her marginal income tax rate cut by a few per cent, and that republicans worked dilegently to eliminate her estate tax, and bring her capital gains tax and dividends tax to as close to zero as possible.

Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why it was prudent to vote for Dubya. Unless you like war, torture, corruption, and incompetence.

John Yoo's war crimes

Glenn Greenwald

Yet again, the ACLU has performed the function which Congress and the media are intended to perform but do not. As the result of a FOIA lawsuit the ACLU filed and then prosecuted for several years, numerous documents relating to the Bush administration's torture regime that have long been baselessly kept secret were released yesterday, including an 81-page memorandum (.pdf) issued in 2003 by then-Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo (currently a Berkeley Law Professor) which asserted that the President's war powers entitle him to ignore multiple laws which criminalized the use of torture:

If a government defendant were to harm an enemy combatant during an interrogation in a manner that might arguably violate a criminal prohibition, he would be doing so in order to prevent further attacks on the United States by the al Qaeda terrorist network. In that case, we believe that he could argue that the executive branch's constitutional authority to protect the nation from attack justified his actions.

As Jane Mayer reported two years ago in The New Yorker -- in which she quoted former Navy General Counsel Alberto Mora as saying that "the memo espoused an extreme and virtually unlimited theory of the extent of the President's Commander-in-Chief authority" -- it was precisely Yoo's torture-justifying theories, ultimately endorsed by Donald Rumsfeld, that were communicated to Gen. Geoffrey Miller, the commander of both Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib at the time of the most severe detainee abuses (the ones that are known).

It is not, of course, news that the Bush administration adopted (and still embraces) legal theories which vest the President with literally unlimited power, including the power to break our laws. There are, though, several points worth noting as a result of the disclosure of this Memorandum:

(1) The fact that John Yoo is a Professor of Law at Berkeley and is treated as a respectable, serious expert by our media institutions, reflects the complete destruction over the last eight years of whatever moral authority the United States possessed. Comporting with long-held stereotypes of two-bit tyrannies, we're now a country that literally exempts our highest political officials from the rule of law, and have decided that there should be no consequences when they commit serious felonies.

John Yoo's Memorandum, as intended, directly led to -- caused -- a whole series of war crimes at both Guantanamo and in Iraq. The reason such a relatively low-level DOJ official was able to issue such influential and extraordinary opinions was because he was working directly with, and at the behest of, the two most important legal officials in the administration: George Bush's White House counsel, Alberto Gonzales, and Dick Cheney's counsel (and current Chief of Staff) David Addington. Together, they deliberately created and authorized a regime of torture and other brutal interrogation methods that are, by all measures, very serious war crimes.

If writing memoranda authorizing torture -- actions which then directly lead to the systematic commission of torture -- doesn't make one a war criminal in the U.S., what does? Here is what John Yoo is and what he did:

"It depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that."

Yoo wasn't just a law professor theorizing about the legalization of torture. He was a government official who, in concert with other government officials, set out to enable a brutal and systematic torture regime, and did so. If this level of depraved criminality doesn't remove one from the realm of respectability and mainstream seriousness -- if not result in war crimes prosecution -- then nothing does.

That John Yoo is a full professor at one of the country's most prestigious law schools, and a welcomed expert on our newspaper's Op-Ed pages and television news programs, speaks volumes about what our country has become.


Cassel: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
Yoo: No treaty.
Cassel: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.
Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that


Just makes you proud huh?
geez, this should be a focus of all 24/7 media and some.... instead it's a preacher....:(

Hey Care!

Some of these Bush worshipping, mother effing NeoCons are in love with war and torture for bascially one simple reason. Most of them are effeminate Mama's boys. Sickly weaklings. Closet homosexuals that never got picked to play basketball.

And that's why they start He-man wars, and send other people's kids to fight them. To compensate for their sickly, sadistic short man's syndrome. Think Battleborne. Think Dick Cheney, who dodged Vietnam and then gets driven out in an SUV with a shotgun to shoot caged quail.

John Yoo- Torture Lawyer:

COME ON RIGHT WINGERS! Defend this fucking peice of trash you elected and his henchmen. The president could crush the testicles of someones child depending on why he needed to do that. This is who YOU Voted for. This is your policy that you voted for, Come in here and Defend this shit! Where are you WRL?!? Why don't you come in here and tell us all how this is vital to our war on terra! Fuck Sake you people have voted for some of the most morally bankrupt motherfuckers ever to hold office and NONE of you will come in here now and tell us why this is all false outrage. These memos come out and then Abu Grahib happens and you all want us to just believe it was a bunch of Hicks with Sticks run amok. They were following the legal advice of John Yoo. Fucking thugs who pretend they follow the moral teaching of Jesus. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!
This post has been viewed 60 times and only 5 posts, six with this one. My bet is at least one or two of you that read this voted for bush. So come on and tell us all how you were right and we were wrong. How voting for this morally bankrupt administration was BETTER than voting for Gore. How at least your president would violate the law to protect us when that pussy Gore would NEVER violate the law to protect us. About how we don't understand that the ends justifies the means, oops that was a communist belief wasn't it? Well I am sure ONE of you can come up with why this really isn't that bad and why this mental fucking midget YOU ALL voted for is still a good guy. The English paper was right. How can 52 million people be so wrong?
How can 52 million people be so wrong ?
Mental illness.

I wonder when the first George Bush Neoclinics will open.
One might be happy that Paris Hilton got her marginal income tax rate cut by a few per cent, and that republicans worked dilegently to eliminate her estate tax, and bring her capital gains tax and dividends tax to as close to zero as possible.

Truthfully, I'm not looking forward to his tax cuts expiring. Taxes suck.
This post has been viewed 60 times and only 5 posts, six with this one. My bet is at least one or two of you that read this voted for bush. So come on and tell us all how you were right and we were wrong. How voting for this morally bankrupt administration was BETTER than voting for Gore. How at least your president would violate the law to protect us when that pussy Gore would NEVER violate the law to protect us. About how we don't understand that the ends justifies the means, oops that was a communist belief wasn't it? Well I am sure ONE of you can come up with why this really isn't that bad and why this mental fucking midget YOU ALL voted for is still a good guy. The English paper was right. How can 52 million people be so wrong?

Soc, in a way what you are saying is like asking bettors why they didn't bet on the Giants in the Super Bowl after the game. Well bettors didn't have that information then.

When I voted for Bush in 2000 I voted on the information I had up until that point in time. When I voted in 2004 I voted on the info I had up until that time. So I don't buy the Cypress way of asking for an apology years later and wanting me to essentially lick his nuts for my vote in 2000.

As I'm sure is similar with you because I vote for someone doesn't then mean I automatically support all that they do. I'm not down with torture. I support doing what needs to be done to get needed info but not going as far as torture. So I don't support that.

Overall am I happy with Bush? No, not really. He has sucked in a lot of ways. But I am not going to apologize for voting for him or wish I had voted for Gore or Kerry because I don't.
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Hey Care!

Some of these Bush worshipping, mother effing NeoCons are in love with war and torture for bascially one simple reason. Most of them are effeminate Mama's boys. Sickly weaklings. Closet homosexuals that never got picked to play basketball.

And that's why they start He-man wars, and send other people's kids to fight them. To compensate for their sickly, sadistic short man's syndrome. Think Battleborne. Think Dick Cheney, who dodged Vietnam and then gets driven out in an SUV with a shotgun to shoot caged quail.

John Yoo- Torture Lawyer:

Battleborne served U.S Army...and where was the masculine Lassie Boy? and Battleborne played football and ran track in school...where was Lassie Boy?
and Battleborne went on and served in LE both local,and federal...where was Lassie Boy?...never mind Lassie boy was the basketball manager...cleaning up after the players!
Oh well................

He man and battle cat!

You know I did not know testosterone would come thru a computer screen....

Cypress just had to drag me into this thread...he got the wrath...what can I say?...I apologize for the rant but sometimes ya just have to put morons in their proper place!
Cypress just had to drag me into this thread...he got the wrath...what can I say?...I apologize for the rant but sometimes ya just have to put morons in their proper place!

Morons naturally grivitate to their place. they do not have to be put there.