Bud Selig is a F@cking Idiot

Sounds like there was too much rain and they couldn't finish the game. Game suspended until suitable conditions arise. Not much choice. I'm not sure how things could have been done differently other than not to start the game at all....then what if the rain had subsided or quit?
They shouldn't have started the game at all. It started to rain during batting practice and it was clear to everyone but Bud Selig and the folks at FOX that the rain would continue and intensify in short order.

If not then, the game should have been called well before they actually called the game. It was a farce. A total disgrace. Puddles on the field. Standing water at home plate. Mud on the infield. Rain coming down so hard routine fly balls were being dropped. Routine plays missed. It was a total shitshow.

The MLB and Selig lucked out that the Rays tied the thing up when they did, bailing them out of a horrible situation of their own creation.