Budget chief contradicts Obama on Medicare costs

TuTu Monroe

A Realist
I'm surprised the WH didn't put a muzzle on him.

By ERICA WERNER (AP) – 22 hours ago
WASHINGTON — Congress' chief budget officer is contradicting President Barack Obama's oft-stated claim that seniors wouldn't see their Medicare benefits cut under a health care overhaul.

The head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, told senators Tuesday that seniors in Medicare's managed care plans would see reduced benefits under a bill in the Finance Committee.

The bill would cut payments to the Medicare Advantage plans by more than $100 billion over 10 years.

Elmendorf said the changes would reduce the extra benefits that would be made available to beneficiaries.

Critics say the plans are overpaid, while supporters say they work well.

Obama says cuts to Medicare providers won't reduce seniors' benefits.
realclear politics.com
ib1 & Co. will conveniently ignore this thread.

Or they'll just say "you're a fucking idiot" and offer no real argument.

Either way, they've already lost... and this so-called "public option" has a snowball's chance in hell of passing.
ib1 & Co. will conveniently ignore this thread.

Or they'll just say "you're a fucking idiot" and offer no real argument.

Either way, they've already lost... and this so-called "public option" has a snowball's chance in hell of passing.
She's already lost and just leave it at that!
Medicare Advantage Plans are health plan options that are part of the Medicare program. If you join one of these plans, you generally get all your Medicare-covered health care through that plan. This coverage can include prescription drug coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans include:

* Medicare Health Maintenance Organization (HMOs)
* Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)
* Private Fee-for-Service Plans
* Medicare Special Needs Plans

When you join a Medicare Advantage Plan, you use the health insurance card that you get from the plan for your health care. In most of these plans, generally there are extra benefits and lower copayments than in the Original Medicare Plan. However, you may have to see doctors that belong to the plan or go to certain hospitals to get services.

To join a Medicare Advantage Plan, you must have Medicare Part A and Part B. You will have to pay your monthly Medicare Part B premium to Medicare. In addition, you might have to pay a monthly premium to your Medicare Advantage Plan for the extra benefits that they offer.

If you join a Medicare Advantage Plan, your Medigap policy won’t work. This means it won’t pay any deductibles, copayments, or other cost-sharing under your Medicare Health Plan. Therefore, you may want to drop your Medigap policy if you join a Medicare Advantage Plan. However, you have a legal right to keep the Medigap policy.

To compare Medicare Advantage Plans, go to the Medicare Options Compare.


Ahh just private packagers and resellers of medicare who may well limit the DR's you can see and such.

Another layer of private beaucracy and profit.
Medicare Advantage needs to have its funding cut.

The people who listen to those who say cutting Medicare Advantage is cutting Medicare benefits doesn't understand what the hell Medicare Advantage is.
Medicare Advantage needs to have its funding cut.

The people who listen to those who say cutting Medicare Advantage is cutting Medicare benefits doesn't understand what the hell Medicare Advantage is.


Meidcare advantage is partial privitization of medicare.