Budget Deal is a Bad Deal Anyway You Slice It


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This deal stinks but the media can't wait to celebrate a deal no matter how wrong headed the provisions or who has to pay for it. This is a more critical look at what it wrong with this deal ironed out by the two corporate parties and their respective Representatives in the Nation's Capital

5 Things Terribly Wrong With the Ryan-Murray Budget Deal
Every assumption of the deal is wrong-headed.

By Robert Borosage

December 11, 2013 |

The Beltway breathed a huge sigh of relief with the announcement of the budget deal cobbled together by Senator Patty Murray and Rep. Paul Ryan. It is the deal, not the substance, that is being applauded. If it overcomes opposition from a hostile right and largely resigned liberals, it could provide a two-year truce from the budget wars, hostage taking, and threatened government shutdowns. But business as usual is hardly a virtue when that business isn’t addressing what needs to be done.

And that is the reality of this misdeal. It keeps government open (at least until March when the borrowing authority is exhausted and another debt ceiling crisis looms), but it punts on any of the pressing challenges this country faces, a failure that only adds to the hole we are in.

Every assumption of the deal is wrong-headed.

1. It assumes that deficits are still America’s fundamental problem. Wrong. Our fundamental problem is that Americans are struggling to find decent work. We are halfway into a lost decade marked by mass unemployment, stagnant wages, rising inequality, growing insecurity and a sinking middle class. As President Obama stated in his address on inequality: “A relentlessly growing deficit of opportunity is a bigger threat to our future than our rapidly shrinking fiscal deficit.”

This deal says that for two years, the federal government will do nothing to address that opportunity deficit.

2. The deal refuses to repeal the mindless sequester cuts that were designed to be abhorrent. Instead it “pays for” alleviating less than half of them over the next two years. And it insists that the relief be allocated equally between a bloated Pentagon, the largest source of waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government, and threadbare vital domestic programs like infant nutrition, support for schools, clean energy R&D.

The rest of the list is here: http://www.alternet.org/5-things-terribly-wrong-ryan-murray-budget-deal
The budget sequester is a measly 3 cents on every dollar of PROJECTED INCREASE IN SPENDING from 2012 to 2013 It has made no actual CUTS from the 2012 spending amount. If government operated without catastrophe in 2012 on the 2012 amount of spending then why pray-tell is a 3% reduction in the PROJECTED INCREASE IN SPENDING for 2013 a disaster?

Actually the sequester is turning out to be the only fucking sane thing this Congress and Communist President has done during his Communist watch. We are actually now seeing some reduction in the annual deficit.
They should have hanged a few tea-partiers to ensure their persecution-obsession remained worth something to them. So unfair to behave like normal people!
The fact that a budget will be passed for the first time in what? Five years? Is an accomplishment in itself, not to mention some republicans with clearer heads are finally realizing the damage their obstructionism has inflicted upon the country. We are now able to work on those areas that still need fixing.
The fact that a budget will be passed for the first time in what? Five years? Is an accomplishment in itself,

No budget for 5 years while fucking Democrats controlled all of government for two of those five years and 2/3ds of the government for the last three. No budget because even Democrats couldn’t stomach Obama’s submitted budgets.

not to mention some republicans with clearer heads are finally realizing the damage their obstructionism has inflicted upon the country.

What fucking damage? The sequester is a godsend.

“Republicans with clearer heads?” You should try stand-up comedy. What we have is a mealy-mouthed gang of old school neo-con, RINO, professional Republican gangsters with nary a pair of balls among them. The cowardly bastards have joined with deadbeat gangster Democrats to sell the country down the river all in the name of the next fucking election. If the sons-of-bitches had any balls they’d stand together with the real Republicans with balls to pin the government shutdown rap on the fucking Democrats and Obama and Harry Reid that were actually responsible for it and vote down this pathetic Ryan surrender.

We are now able to work on those areas that still need fixing.

A “Clean Continuing Resolution” keeping the sequester in tact allows for even a better and only real chance of advancing deficit reduction. Because of the sequester this is the first time in years the Democrats have actually had to come to the table to talk turkey. The fucking moron RINO Republicans just gave up their only leverage. What a bunch of fucking idiots!!!
No budget for 5 years while fucking Democrats controlled all of government for two of those five years and 2/3ds of the government for the last three. No budget because even Democrats couldn’t stomach Obama’s submitted budgets.

What fucking damage? The sequester is a godsend.

“Republicans with clearer heads?” You should try stand-up comedy. What we have is a mealy-mouthed gang of old school neo-con, RINO, professional Republican gangsters with nary a pair of balls among them. The cowardly bastards have joined with deadbeat gangster Democrats to sell the country down the river all in the name of the next fucking election. If the sons-of-bitches had any balls they’d stand together with the real Republicans with balls to pin the government shutdown rap on the fucking Democrats and Obama and Harry Reid that were actually responsible for it and vote down this pathetic Ryan surrender.

A “Clean Continuing Resolution” keeping the sequester in tact allows for even a better and only real chance of advancing deficit reduction. Because of the sequester this is the first time in years the Democrats have actually had to come to the table to talk turkey. The fucking moron RINO Republicans just gave up their only leverage. What a bunch of fucking idiots!!!

Darling...The democrats had control of Congress a total of 73 days.