Bullets & Vaccinations Cannot Stop Mosquitoes


Verified User
Aside from the children Democrats kill with their no-borders policies, aside from killing American children by knowingly importing infectious diseases, Democrats pay Planned Parenthood tax dollars to slaughter children in the millions. Nothing in the Democrats Party’s Culture of Death prevents a butcher from trotting out the “CHILDREN” in order to take the spotlight off his corruption:


America is now witnessing what unchecked and unfettered Democrat influence and indoctrination begat. Death, violence, injury, and destruction are all inherent in the political terrorism of "it takes a village," "democratic socialism," and "fundamental transformation."

May 17, 2019
Death Always Follows Democrat Policies
By Rich Logis


Add birds to the list of the Democrat Party’s victims:

Feathers at the foot of a wind turbine. Bird droppings at the base of a solar panel. A coroner could use these signs to establish the cause of mass bird death. And a novelist could pen a murder mystery titled: Death by Renewable Energy.

In 1969, there were far more active coal plants in America than today. However, in 1969, there were also 2.9 billion more birds in America. In the last decade alone, 289 coal plants have closed—a 40 percent reduction. Meanwhile, wind turbines and solar panels are going up at a record pace and scientists are reporting a “full-blown crisis” in the disappearance of 29 percent of North American birds.

“Cats eat more birds than wind turbines kill!” claim wind and solar activists. But there are fewer cats in the United States today than in 2013. Meanwhile, wind turbines and solar panels are going up at an alarming rate.

Why is nearly a third of our bird population disappearing? Common birds including sparrows, robins, warblers, blackbirds and starlings play an integral role in pollinating flowers, regenerating forests by spreading seeds, and controlling pests. We may take birds for granted—but we rely on them for a healthy ecosystem.

“Habitat loss” is the top reason for this bird disappearing act according to a new analysis in the journal Science. Let’s connect the dots. Coal plants are shuttering. Wind and solar farms consume vast tracts of land. The bright blades and lights in turbines and solar panels actually attract birds—and the insects they eat. Therefore, Audubon reports, even if wind turbines are retrofitted: “every species of bird approaches a turbine in a different manner, so training blades to recognize all birds could take years of research.”

Five years ago—in 2014—Yahoo! News reported that wind turbines are responsible for killing over 573,000 birds annually. Bird scientist Shawn Smallwood testified that one large solar farm alone—the Ivanpah solar panel project in California—likely kills 28,380 birds annually. Meanwhile, we’ve built more wind turbines and solar farms. Scientists claim to be “stunned” that birds are dropping in droves. But the writing, or bird guts, has been on the turbine blade for years.

President Trump is the only American billionaire in recent memory (other than the late Steve Jobs) who understands that socialism destroys the economy and hurts poor people.

Facebook founder billionaire Mark Zuckerberg (who once hosted a “Hoodie Summit” for President Obama, inviting him to Facebook headquarters for a town hall in 2011 to help him get re-elected) is about to get much richer now that he’s building six solar projects – each the size of four football fields – in the New Mexico desert. Fortunately for Zuck, when a Democrat destroys land, it’s called “meeting energy goals.”

Billionaire former Google CEO Eric Schmitt endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008. In 2013, he cashed in on his friendship with Obama to allocate a $1.6 billion stimulus loan toward Ivanpah solar thermal project along the California-Nevada border. Google was a joint owner of Ivanpah, and “only” destroyed 4,000 acres of pristine land and displaced a desert tortoise in the process of littering the desert with hundreds of thousands of mirrors.

The same executives jetting around the world and residing in mansions want to send the rest of us back to the caveman era. What is it to them if the rest of us lose power? They can afford to buy up 4,000 acres in the Southwest and turn it into their private solar project. Or, a crony capitalist will offer them a subsidy.

As birds die and billionaires binge, poor people pay higher prices—and face energy shortages thanks to the Democrat push for “clean” energy. Even in the energy-rich state of Texas, there are whispers of a “mandatory power cut” for consumers amid triple-digit heat. Wind and solar puts a strain on the power grid because it is not very profitable or efficient. In August, Texas became “the most expensive place to buy power in all of the United States' major markets,” reported Express-News.

Wind and solar are about 2,000 years out-of-date, and I don’t normally associate antiquity with cleanliness. The Roman and Egyptian ruins are called “ruins” because of all the dust and rubble. It’s a myth that archaic technology will result in clean air and healthy ecosystems.

We will save birds—and the ecosystems they nourish—when we stop destroying their habitats with lethal blades and blinding panels.

2.9 Billion Bird Deaths Linked to Solar, Wind
Katie Kieffer
Posted: Sep 23, 2019 12:01 AM




I find it interesting that guns and vaccinations will be useless against TRILLIONS of mosquitoes should they become Earth’s next dominant species after the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death kills all the birds. This guy alone:

Eats 2,000 mosquitoes a day?
Posted by Dave Tabler | August 22, 2017


Finally, I often call the infanticide crowd baby-butchers. I often call environmentalists parasites, freakazoids, nut jobs and religious fanatics. Every slur is true. None is more true than the epithet bird-butchers.
Aside from the children Democrats kill with their no-borders policies, aside from killing American children by knowingly importing infectious diseases, Democrats pay Planned Parenthood tax dollars to slaughter children in the millions. Nothing in the Democrats Party’s Culture of Death prevents a butcher from trotting out the “CHILDREN” in order to take the spotlight off his corruption:​

Salesmen usually work on commission. Their incomes are determined by the amount of merchandise they sell. Telemarketers are bottom feeders far below used car salesmen while television salesmen are the crème de la crème because their incomes are guarantied by taxpayers.

No peanuts for television’s hucksters. They are paid huge UNCONSTITUTIONAL tax dollar commissions selling abortion, gun control, open-borders, socialized medicine, racism, and causes of every stripe.

The sweetest hustle of all is selling advertising itself as legitimate news. That is exactly what television salesmen do with alternative energy sources. Bottom line: A demonstration for a product is news. I know of no other product or cause that gets away with it.

In a just world the United Nations would pay the commissions based on the advertising rate charged for selling a product during the Super Bowl. If the United Nations ever charged for their advertising they would be paying billions of dollars a week after you add up the minutes television devotes to peddling the U.N.’s product line.

What is even more obnoxious than thousands of smug, self-righteous leftists preaching hysterically about the Church of Mother Earth and the imminent destruction of our planet due to “global warming?” Hearing this same song-and-dance from a bunch of literal children.

And that is exactly what the Left and its enthusiastic enablers in the corporate leftist media have unleashed upon us. No matter how much you may have tried to resist it, chances are that you have seen some images, videos, and social media posts crammed into your feed recently from the #ClimateStrike sensation.

Even though this march is yet another vain effort that will fade into oblivion with the passing of time—just like the Women’s March or the “March for Our Lives” events—the Left and its allies in the press have tried like hell to make this one stick even harder, with their apocalyptic message. Look no further than MSN’s “Spotlight” aggregate page, featuring headline after headline groveling at the feet of the holy and untouchable figureheads of this ridiculous movement: The children.

Let’s just take a look at some of the most stomach-churning examples of this totally organic and not-orchestrated-in-the-slightest media narrative:

The Atlantic: “Children Know It’s Time to Panic About Climate Change”
ABC: “Five Youth Climate Activists You Need to Know”
Fox News (seriously?): “Yes, there is a climate crisis—Mr. Trump, listen to the kids”
USA Today: “Climate strike: Students protest in San Francisco, Chicago, New York” (Later changed to: “‘Our house is on fire.’ Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC”)

Think of the Children, But Don’t Listen to Them

As with the anti-gun protests in the aftermath of the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the Left is rushing to use children as their human shields to defend otherwise insane and indefensible policy positions. Just as leftist organizations and media outlets exaggerated the number of teenagers present at the original “March for Our Lives,” they are similarly twisting the extent of youth involvement in the climate change movement to their advantage.

First, as has been widely reported, the vast majority of students around the country who participated in Friday’s “climate strike” were given excused absences from school to join the protest on Friday.

Think back to when you were in high school, just 16 years old: Wouldn’t you take advantage of every single opportunity to skip school for a day, especially on a Friday, and especially if it meant chilling with your friends at some dumb protest? There is no more surefire method to draw bodies out for your event, even if many of them couldn’t care less about electric cars or flatulent cows, than to offer an excused absence from school. So it’s pretty safe to say that this tactic dramatically inflated the attendance at most of these rallies.

Second, if the “March for Our Lives” fiasco was any indication, a movement with children as its figureheads is likely to fail. Despite the national media attention and undying support from the entirety of the Democratic Party, the anti-gun Parkland kids couldn’t even get a single anti-gun bill passed in their home state of Florida, and instead gave us nothing more than a spectacular display of fake tears when one of their championed gun ban bills failed. If anything, their efforts led to a dramatic pendulum swing to the opposite side of the spectrum, as Governor Ron DeSantis signed even more pro-gun bills into law.

New Talking Heads, Same Talking Points

Who (besides Harvard’s admissions office, which admitted the otherwise unqualified David Hogg) really cares what a bunch of children have to say? We have age limits on many important parts of life for a reason. You cannot drive until you are 16, you cannot vote or enlist until you are 18, you cannot drink until you are 21, and you cannot run for federal office until you are at least 25. Empty-headed children like Greta Thunberg are proof of why these limitations exist.

At her testimony before Congress, the 16-year-old global warming wunderkind who came out of nowhere even admitted that she had nothing new to say. She stated, point-blank, that she did not intend “to offer any prepared remarks at this hearing,” instead simply submitting as her testimony the “IPCC Special Report on Global Warming” from last year, and adding “I don’t want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists.”

So, if this girl is literally admitting before the United States Congress that she has absolutely nothing new to add to the conversation…then why should we care about her? She is merely regurgitating talking points from higher authorities, the same authorities who, undoubtedly, bankrolled her entire un-organic crusade in the first place. Chances are she was chosen because of her mental disability, which makes her just that much more “sympathetic” to a general audience.

Children of the Climate

The Left’s idolization of children as somehow representing a political force of the future is indicative of a broader, more sinister approach to politics generally. There are two major reasons for this. First, it is one of their most recently developed tactics for attempting to mask their dangerously radical positions with ethos, whether it’s using dead children to cover for their efforts to ban all guns, or using disabled children to advocate for the strictest environmental regulations imaginable.

But more significantly than that, it is indicative of their new dystopian worldview, where some greater international law trumps national sovereignty, and wherein children have far greater autonomy than ever before in human history.

For the former, the fact that Thunberg, as a Swedish citizen, is now lecturing Americans about what they should or shouldn’t do, is representative of their globalist agenda to see national barriers broken down through appeals to combat a supposed “global” problem. The United Nations has pushed similar efforts advocating worldwide gun control.

As for the increased autonomy for children, it is no secret that modern education systems have been nothing more than far-left brainwashing facilities ever since the rise of the Frankfurt School, with insidious Marxism and anti-American sentiment being ingrained into the most recent generations of college graduates.

At the heart of these re-education efforts were a “question everything” mentality, aimed at generating disrespect and distrust between our youth and the preceding generations, for the purpose of giving children more control over their own lives at alarmingly early ages.

Lately, these efforts have dripped down into high schools and even elementary schools. The most visceral example of this has been the Left’s recent efforts to indoctrinate kids with the LGBTQ agenda, whether through the truly reprehensible phenomena of “drag queen story hours,” to become drag queens themselves at 11, or the push for children to “decide” their gender as young as 7 years old.

Now, the Left is trying to give mere teenagers a similar level of autonomy and authority when it comes to something as complex as environmental science. In this day and age, the extent of most high schoolers’ love of plants can be found in how much weed they smoke; the slightly more sophisticated ones get their science lessons from binge-watching Breaking Bad on Netflix.

Yet to the Left, these children are the “leaders of tomorrow” when it comes to the environment, just as much as the “experts” on gun policies are kids whose experiences with guns go no further than the latest “Call of Duty” installment.

Put simply, they want us to submit to the will of hysterical children because the Greta Thunbergs and David Hoggs of the world most accurately reflect the mindset of today’s adult Left: a cult of drones who are ill-informed, hyperemotional, over sensational, devoid of common sense, and adverse to facts. And they want all of us to be just like them.

The Left’s Cynical and Childish ‘Climate Strike’
Eric Lendrum
September 22nd, 2019


Finally, Luddites in the early part of the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century would be climate change freakazoids. Today’s freaks are Luddites in that they will destroy every machine and technology except the machines that make wind power turbines and solar panels:



Put simply, they want us to submit to the will of hysterical children because the Greta Thunbergs and David Hoggs of the world most accurately reflect the mindset of today’s adult Left: a cult of drones who are ill-informed, hyperemotional, over sensational, devoid of common sense, and adverse to facts. And they want all of us to be just like them.​

Michael Knowles does not owe anyone an apology. Naturally, a liberal network apologized because Knowles made the mistake of telling the truth:

Knowles replied: “I’m not. I’m attacking the left for exploiting a mentally ill child.”

Fox News apologizes for guest's ‘disgraceful’ attack on Greta Thunberg
HuffPost US
Ed Mazza
Sep 24th 2019 4:49AM


Greta Thunberg maturing long enough to learn the truth does not stand a chance when the average child succumbs to Socialism’s 24-7 lies. If an apology is owed to anyone little Greta should demand an apology from the people who stole her childhood by smothering her fragile emotions with global warming garbage.

"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words," Thunberg said on Monday at the United Nations Climate Action Summit.

Trump says Greta Thunberg seems like she has 'a bright and wonderful future'
Lauren Frias
Sep 24th 2019 4:21AM


The worst of it is: The people who arranged and wrote Greta’s U.N. propaganda remarks gave her an unworthy opportunity to feel important when they knowingly harmed her for the rest of her life. She will forever be conflicted trying to separate the truth from the lies sick adults put in her mouth. Tragically, Greta will live the rest of her life believing that her fifteen minutes of fame benefitted the planet.

Finally, climate change freakazoids sent a child to make an emotional appeal for money. Global warming parasites dared not send a famous freak like Al Gore because nobody believes him.

p.s. Clown emeritus Al Gore spouts more global warming scare tactics than all of the Hollywood movies combined, while he refuses to debate the details in his moneygrubbing hustle.
Finally, climate change freakazoids sent a child to make an emotional appeal for money. Global warming parasites dared not send a famous freak like Al Gore because nobody believes him.

The clown is smart enough to stay out of sight, but his hand was spotted anyway:

The man who launched Greta Thunberg was trained by Al Gore:

Trained by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up We Don’t Have Time in late 2017 to “hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change” by leveraging “the power of social media”. Rentzhog and his CEO David Olsson have backgrounds in finance, not environmental activism, Rentzhog as the founder of Laika, an investment relations company, and Olsson with Svenska Bostadsfonden, one of Sweden’s biggest real estate funds, whose board Rentzhog joined in June 2017. We Don’t Have Time’s investors included Gustav Stenbeck, whose family control Kinnevik, one of Sweden’s largest investment corporations.

And here comes the media-education-entertainment complex closing in on tax dollars for global warming parasites. Nobody provides more tax dollar jobs for environmental parasites in this country than colleges and universities. It is the same in Sweden:

Standpoint magazine's Dominic Green revealed the corporate financiers and the Climate-Industrial Complex that stands to gain from Thunberg's activism.

"The Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics, and a think-tank founded by a wealthy ex-minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic government with links to the country’s energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the Western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy," he wrote.

Climate-Industrial Complex: Financiers Aim to Cash in on Greta Thunberg
By Tyler O'Neil
September 23, 2019

The people who arranged and wrote Greta’s U.N. propaganda remarks gave her an unworthy opportunity to feel important when they knowingly harmed her for the rest of her life. She will forever be conflicted trying to separate the truth from the lies sick adults put in her mouth. Tragically, Greta will live the rest of her life believing that her fifteen minutes of fame benefitted the planet.



Greta is catching hell everywhere:


Psychologist: Greta Thunberg needs treatment
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published September 25, 2019 at 7:58pm


September 26, 2019
Greta the Angry
By Deana Chadwell


A payoff from the Nobel Committee might help Greta’s parents pay her medical bills:

Greta Thunberg wins ‘alternative Nobel Prize’
Teenager is awarded £82,000 for ‘inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action’
Zamira Rahim
1 day ago


but I doubt if individual U.N. climate change Communists will give her a helping hand in the years head.
Greta Thunberg maturing long enough to learn the truth does not stand a chance when the average child succumbs to Socialism’s 24-7 lies. If an apology is owed to anyone little Greta should demand an apology from the people who stole her childhood by smothering her fragile emotions with global warming garbage.

For those unfamiliar with the tale, it is set in 1284 in the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany. This town was facing a rat infestation, and a piper, dressed in a coat of many coloured, bright cloth, appeared. This piper promised to get rid of the rats in return for a payment, to which the townspeople agreed too. Although the piper got rid of the rats by leading them away with his music, the people of Hamelin reneged on their promise. The furious piper left, vowing revenge. On the 26 th of July of that same year, the piper returned and led the children away, never to be seen again, just as he did the rats. Nevertheless, one or three children were left behind, depending on which version is being told. One of these children was lame, and could not keep up, another was deaf and could not hear the music, while the third one was blind and could not see where he was going.


The filthy parasites leading children to their doom like the Pied Piper are not even original:

Well, at least the climate hysterics are practicing recycling. Or repeating a pattern of child abuse, exploiting young minds and souls for their political benefit, if you will. Or maybe it is just a matter of running out of ideas and realizing that since they are peddling fear, nobody could better instill alarm than a threatened, vulnerable child.

Whatever the motives, it is clear that Miss Thunberg's publicity stunt ocean voyage (on a royal yacht) and appearance at the U.N. was following a script written more than a quarter-century ago. And it is no secret. This 1992 video of then-12-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki addressing the U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, titled "The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes," has had almost 32 million views on YouTube: [SEE VIDEO ▼]

If you don't have five spare minutes to subject yourself to a harangue from a puppet for cynical activists, then this three-minute video comparison of Cullis-Suzuki's and Thunberg's performances is your ticket:

September 28, 2019
Greta Thunberg's speech to UN strangely resembles a 1992 UN speech by 12-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki
By Thomas Lifson

A payoff from the Nobel Committee might help Greta’s parents pay her medical bills:


but I doubt if individual U.N. climate change Communists will give her a helping hand in the years ahead.

Greta Thunberg is a tragic little girl because of the things salespeople in journalism did to her.

On the bright side journalism is dying because television is not selling political ideologies as easily as they sell products:

That the media believes she was deserving is all you need to know to understand why journalism is dying.

Newsweek: Greta Thunberg 'Snubbed' for Nobel Because Norway Has Oil
By Stephen Kruiser
October 11, 2019
