Bush: A war unlike any we have fought before

Bush is right the war on terror is a war unlike any we have fought before. I just think he screwed up royally trying to fight it like a regular war.
So how should it be fought?

Using guile and cunning rather than brute fat-headed force.

Look through history at occasions when terrorism has been defeated. How has it been achieved?

Through undermining the terrorists, making the arguments they use to garner support and recruits irrelevant. If you do this, you can go after the hardcore without creating more sympathy and support for the terrorists as you go.

This approach succeeded in Malaysia and Northern Ireland.

USC is correct. If you fight this as if it were a regular war, you will lose, a la Vietnam...

Unfortunately the US doesn't have the imaginative and cunning leadership it needs, so it will continue to stomp about the ME like a rogue elephant.
This is what you get when you elect a figure head governor of Texas, whose only success previously had been the re-zoning, condemning and asquisition of the land the new Rangers's baseball stadium sits on. The main question is, besides his horrid conduct of the war in Iraq, which is devolving into total choas and couldn't have come at a better time for Democrats, will Bush be allowed to continue his campaign to undermine nearly every government agency. Scientists are bailing from the Center for Disease Control, leaving America vulnerable in that area, environmental regulations have been gutted to the point that individual states are banding together in the NE to sue the Federal Government. And other individual states now have environmental regulations stronger than the Federal Government's regulations. And there is a steady stream of stories that keep arguing that the debt has ballooned beyond anything that the Bush administration has told us about. On every level, the country is going to hell, under Bush and many people are happy to just sit by and let it. "Crisis what crisis?"
Those types who say what crises (except for iraq) are terrified of being called tin foil hat wearers , koolaid drinkers, etc. Heck I had learned to ignore name callers before I got out of grade school . All 12 years of it :)
another point in the article is the base closings. Thos darn weak on defense liberals again I suppose ;)