Bush doesn't understand "nucular" power


Is this your homework?
I just watched a speech today in which while touting the benefits of nuclear power he stated that it is renewable.

Someone please explain to our great leader that Uranium 235 doesn't grow in fields like corn.
I just watched a speech today in which while touting the benefits of nuclear power he stated that it is renewable.

Someone please explain to our great leader that Uranium 235 doesn't grow in fields like corn.

This doesn't suprise me. Bush is a moron, by the standards of american presidents.
I just watched a speech today in which while touting the benefits of nuclear power he stated that it is renewable.

Someone please explain to our great leader that Uranium 235 doesn't grow in fields like corn.
LOL. Sure it does! um... It's just born there...

I can't believe somebody would tell him to say that! I'm still laughing.
I guess Rove is on drugs :)
imho this falls election is an intelligence test for the American people. I am still not convinced we will pass the test....
Thats like saying fossle fules are renewable...

However if he says it enough about 30 % of Americans will belive it!
LOL. Sure it does! um... It's just born there...

I can't believe somebody would tell him to say that! I'm still laughing.
No, see, God is constantly creating more uranium. Deep under mountains where the pressure is really, really great, He soaks up excess entropy by converting lead into uranium. It's true!
Earth is constantly creating oil also but its not considered a renewable resource.
Nuclear power is probably the most efficient, cheapest source of energy mankind knows. It is also enviromentally friendly (if you don't let the radiation out, of course). Bush is stupid enough that I could concieve that he would confuse "green" with "renewable". I wonder why his speech writers were actually dumb enough to let it through, though. There are few people in the nation, besides George Bush, that are actually stupid enough to believe that Nuclear fission is renewable.

Are you sure he wasn't talking about nuclear FUSION? That isn't renewable currently, however...
Doubt it we don't even know yet if we can get nuclear fusion to work. But as you said fusion power isn't really renewable either although it is closer to being so since it only requires deuterium which is plentiful.
Doubt it we don't even know yet if we can get nuclear fusion to work. But as you said fusion power isn't really renewable either although it is closer to being so since it only requires deuterium which is plentiful.
Theoretically, one might even do it with simple hydrogen, though the temperatures required for that are truly mind boggling.

Controlled fusion works. That's not at issue anymore. What we don't know is whether we can ever extract a useful amount of electrical power from it economically.

Fission power generation is, at best, a stopgap measure. I agree that it's become a more attractive option than building more dirty oil and coal fired plants but it's never going to be a long term solution. The world's supply of uranium is limited just as the supply of oil is limited. The supply of ore of economically refinable quality is even more limited.
Yes that is what I was referring to. We have not reached a point in which we can say fusion power is exothermic which of course is pointless.

But hell everything is renewable we just need to create equivalent heat to that of a supernova and we can have atomic synthesis.