Bush finally does something good ?


Villified User
Bush, Fresh Off State of the Union, Set to Sign Order Directing Fed Agencies to Ignore Earmarks Not Voted On by Congress

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

WASHINGTON — President Bush was set to act Tuesday on his State of the Union promise to sign an executive order directing federal agencies to ignore any future earmarks not voted on by Congress.

Bush warned lawmakers he would flourish his veto pen if Congress does not rein in the number of congressional earmarks — money set aside for pet projects — that make it into law without a vote.

As many as 95 percent of earmarks are inserted after Congress has voted on appropriations measures, and the pork is never seen by most lawmakers. Bush called on Congress during last year's State of the Union to cut the number of earmarks in half, but Monday night he chided lawmakers for failing to do so.

He mentioned something about Military members being able to transfer their education and other benefits to their spouses or children. I liked that idea too...
Wow how come he only wants to get rid of earmarks AFTER the dems take over. When the last year the Repubs were in charge there were more earmarks.
Wow how come he only wants to get rid of earmarks AFTER the dems take over. When the last year the Repubs were in charge there were more earmarks.


Yeah, that is totally like them. They bankrupt the country, and then pass this, so that the Republicans can run as the party of fiscal responsibility and claim they even forced through an executive order, over the screaming of the Democrats, that would stop liberals from spending.

They are truly amazing.
Kudo's to USC for putting up a pro Bush comment after thousands of slams (mostly warranted).
I don't care when they get smart on spending.
My bet is the American people will soundly thrash the Fossill Mcain and his warmongering Bush lite platform.
I guess the real question here is: Is this an abuse of executive pirviledge since congeress is supposed to control the purse strings ?
Kudo's to USC for putting up a pro Bush comment after thousands of slams (mostly warranted).
I don't care when they get smart on spending.
My bet is the American people will soundly thrash the Fossill Mcain and his warmongering Bush lite platform.
