Bush has talk radio pundits in for white house visit.


Villified User
RALLYING THE RADIO TALKERS: On an overcast Friday morning last month, White House aides ushered an influential group of conservative radio hosts into the Oval Office for a private audience with the president... The meeting, which was not announced on the president's public schedule, was part of an intensive Republican Party campaign to reclaim and re-energize a crucial army of supporters that is not as likely to walk in lockstep with the White House as it has in the past. Conservative radio hosts are breaking with the Republican leadership in ways not seen in at least a decade, and certainly not since Rush Limbaugh's forceful advocacy of the party in 1994 spawned a new generation of stars, said Michael Harrison, publisher of the industry's lead trade publication, Talkers. New York Times: As Talk Radio Wavers, Bush Moves to Firm Up Support.

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firm up support huh, you reckon Rush took his Viagra ?
you have got to be kidding me....he's not allowed to use the media for his propaganda, that is against the law
Since when has that stopped Bush ? The repubs are desperate. Once they lose control all the dirty laundry comes out.....
Given that Bush has just signed a bill that allows him to decide among American citizens who is and who is not an enemy combatant and therefore eleigble for his special treatment and special tribunals and torture and who can be locked away without trial or legal options forever, this little bit of tom foolery or poopaganda manipulation is simply not worth mentioning.

Bush just signed away Habeus Corpus and made it possible for a person to be charged and convicted on "hearsay" something that has never happened before in the history of this country and is clearly unconstitutional if the Court decides to see it that way. And what is most surprising about all of this is that the population has not revoted in any way and the posters here haven't even begun to speak of it. I am startled and completely flummoxed by this turn of events.
I am startled and completely flummoxed by this turn of events.
look back in history for parallels.......
Since the liberal media seemed to ignore this item...Bump.
It is not an insignificant item, but an indicator of a much larger problem.