Bush out-idiots even himself: "romantic" to be in Afghanistan?


New member
"I must say, I'm a little envious. If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed. It must be exciting for you … in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history, and thanks."

What a fucking loser.
He is truely clueless and out of touch. I am never sure the poor little rich boy has ever been in touch though. Of course he could just leave Afganistan and work on a political campaign if he wanted to.

If you are a failure at everything, go into politics.
I don't think anyone but the people on the far, far right have considered war romantic since before World War II. Conservatives constantly whine, saying that the current public has "no stomach" for war. What they don't see is that modern society just doesn't think it's fun, they find no romantiscism in it, unlike in previous generations.

If you've ever read the "Glass Managerie", you probably remember the odd part at the end where he says that "With war, comes adventure!" It seems like such a stupid and ignorant statement in modern context. However, kings/the rich in the past would go to war, and use the nobility of the war as an excuse, and they'd get poor people to join in their pointless causes by promoting soldiers to God-like status amongst the people if they'd join in, making them like a new nobility.

Point No. 2 is still in practice, however, the notion that war is romantic is as antiquated as wife-beating.
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If the thought of fighting a war brought out the romantic in him then why, when he was "slightly younger and not employed here", did he opt for the Texas National Guard rather than romancing himself ball deep in the jungles of South East Asia?
I guess he likes the arid sands as opposed to the hot tropical forests?
ahh yes to be sitting on the front deck of an Abrahms tank in the hot july sun, munching on a bag of pretzels drinking stagnant water supplied by KBR. Those were the days.
Why wouldn't anyone enjoy that ?
I think he must have been watching "The Man Who Would Be King". It must have looked rather jolly until the final moments. But he would have shrugged them off with a, "it's only a movie".
I guess Bush Is kinda like Raygun who thought the hollywood portrayal of the wild west was accurate and romantic. Like a Zane Gray novel.
ahh yes to be sitting on the front deck of an Abrahms tank in the hot july sun, munching on a bag of pretzels drinking stagnant water supplied by KBR. Those were the days.
Why wouldn't anyone enjoy that ?

Got me :rolleyes:

I just finished reading Tim O'Brien's, The Things They Carried, and I understand why he didn't want to go to do the "Nam thing!
A SciFi movie based on the Firefly series. I love SciFi.
But have never been to a trekie convention. Just good escapism from realities.
A SciFi movie based on the Firefly series. I love SciFi.
But have never been to a trekie convention. Just good escapism from realities.

I love SciFi, too, but it has to be good SciFi. I will check into it, thanks
The Firefly series is pretty good. I was told to wait until I saw the series before watching the serenity movie. Just finished watching the 10 episode series a couple of days ago.

It is entertainment not aurthur clark thought provoking stuff.

but that is what I like best.

If I want thought provoking stuff I will read the ingredients labels on processed meat products.
Ahahahaha, I know, those are some really big words! Then I contemplate what they do to my insides. Don't do many processed meat products these days. I am trying to improve my diet one baby step at a time.