Bush/Rove's Boy Taking Over


Watch out, now they will really get ugly. In fact, the whinefest taking place over the past week, is probably in direct anticipation of this. It’s a very Republican trait, and I mean this 100% sincerely; loudly accuse others of what you yourself are doing, so your opponent will be blamed and you can fly under the radar.

WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign has gone through its second shake-up in a year as Mr. McCain, responding to Republican concerns that his candidacy was faltering, put Steve Schmidt in charge of day-to-day operations and abandoned an effort to have the campaign run by 11 regional managers, the senator’s aides said Wednesday.

Mr. Schmidt is a veteran of President Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign and he worked closely with Karl Rove, who was Mr. Bush’s political adviser. His installation at Mr. McCain’s headquarters sharply diminished the responsibilities of Rick Davis, who has been Mr. McCain’s campaign manager since the last shake-up nearly a year ago.

I found this very suprising. McCain inviting more comparison of himself to Bush.
I am not suprised at all.
I expected Rove to take the lead in the campaign. A behind the scenes lead of course.
Darla's right. The significance of this, is that this campaign is about to get very nasty, very racial, very dirty. McCain can't win on the issues. Republicans rarely can. They're going to assassinate Obama's character in an attempt to make him seem unpalatable to voters. They do it every presidential election.
Anyone else read about the NRA anti Obama ad blitz coming out ?
I guess Cheney will be on there promoting quail hunting ?
I haven't seen my NRA newsletter nor have I seen anything about the anti-Obama ads.

I can only guess that its about his saying he supported the gun ban in Washington and then after the Supreme Court decision saying he agreed with the verdict. Obama has spoken out against private gun ownership on several occasions.