Bush Says - HURRY!


No time for questions. No time to add those “harmful provisions” you know, like oversight. “OMG OMG OMG DISASTER, YOU MUST SIGN THIS NOW, NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS, TRUST US”

WASHINGTON — As Congressional Democrats began to set terms for a plan to rescue the nation’s financial institutions, President Bush urged them on Monday to move quickly and to resist the temptation to add provisions that, he said, “would undermine the effectiveness of the plan.”

Yeah that oversight shit is for the birds. Just give my Sec Tres a blank check. Trust us, you know our past track record on handling emergencies.
I saw that.

This thing was years in the making. The market has stabilized, at least to a small degree at the moment. We're talking about a pretty big chunk of money here.

I heard comments from a few Dems this morning; Pelosi, Dodd & Frank. Sounded promising, like they're not going to just cave....
Pay no attention to the behind that curtain. Trust us to fix it.
Do the right thing. I fully support the Ds slowing down and taking their time, and hope the Rs would as well. I wish they'd just say no to "helping" these companies at all. Some pain is better than the ultimate colossal mess we'll be in with ineffective panic legislation. Over reaction based on "See? I really do care." is based in the ultimate reaction to his underwhelming action at a cusp of the past.

If I were in Congress I'd be reaching across the aisle on this one, slowing it down, keeping the panic attacks from writing the worst legislation that is possible.