Bush says: "Tough Noogies", McCain needs my Help


New member
(In Reply to my comment about Waterstain saing "U R a child, I asked him, "Nice English! When you were little, and your Mommy waited with you for the bus, was it a LONG bus, or a SHORT bus?" So Douche replied:
It must be computer day at the institute.

I REALLY feel sorry for intellectually challenged people like you and "Waterstain", there, "douche".:crybaby:
It must be tough going through life, not only being a dumb sheep Liberal that listens to "Made-Up Media", and clapping like a trained seal, like when they told you Al Gore won, before all the votes were counted,:clap: Haaaahahahaha, but to use the SAME, LAME, STUPID joke about an "institute",(which other Liberal did you COPY that from, "douche"? Because I've heard it at least 4 times, now, in the past month! It must be sad, huh, never having an original thought of you own, isn't it? Poor Douche! Don't you give up now, some day you'll be able to think of something all on your OWN, TOO! :cheer:

Anyway, on to the News.:readit: I heard part of a speech Bush gave, in which he said: "This Country has a RIGHT to DEFEND ITSELF, even if some people disagree, no matter WHO "disagrees". The Defense of this Nation, and Homeland Security issues have NOT been decided by POLLS or EDITORIAL COLUMNS." HOORAY, G.W.!!!!! He just told Liberals to KISS HIS ASS!!! Haahahahahaha!

McCain can win over the Conservative base of the Republican Party, voters who NOW threaten, like Ann Coulter this morning on The Today Show, to use LOGIC, and vote for Hillary, have a 4 yr. disaster with Healthcare and the Economy, with Conservatives in Congress fighting her ALL THE WAY, then Romney or a BETTER Conservative zooming back in 2012. McCain could cause a 30-year disaster, Open Borders, Amnesty for 25 Million Illegals, Tax Cuts Repealed, afraid to use Enhanced Interrogation on Terrorist Murderers to save lives, and Republicans in Congress nervous about trashing "their own" President.
But all McCain has to do is promise Conservatives to appoint Strict Constructionist Judges, nominate Mitt Romney as V.P., and Rudy Guiliani as FBI Director or Attorney General, and a Conservative to headf I.N.S. (Immigration), and he's a shoe-in.:tongout:
lets wait and see.
I think he will.

So all the Romney fans can feel that at least they voted for willard and not sidney.
(In Reply to my comment about Waterstain saing "U R a child, I asked him, "Nice English! When you were little, and your Mommy waited with you for the bus, was it a LONG bus, or a SHORT bus?" So Douche replied:

I REALLY feel sorry for intellectually challenged people like you and "Waterstain", there, "douche".:crybaby:
It must be tough going through life, not only being a dumb sheep Liberal that listens to "Made-Up Media", and clapping like a trained seal, like when they told you Al Gore won, before all the votes were counted,:clap: Haaaahahahaha, but to use the SAME, LAME, STUPID joke about an "institute",(which other Liberal did you COPY that from, "douche"? Because I've heard it at least 4 times, now, in the past month! It must be sad, huh, never having an original thought of you own, isn't it? Poor Douche! Don't you give up now, some day you'll be able to think of something all on your OWN, TOO! :cheer:

Anyway, on to the News.:readit: I heard part of a speech Bush gave, in which he said: "This Country has a RIGHT to DEFEND ITSELF, even if some people disagree, no matter WHO "disagrees". The Defense of this Nation, and Homeland Security issues have NOT been decided by POLLS or EDITORIAL COLUMNS." HOORAY, G.W.!!!!! He just told Liberals to KISS HIS ASS!!! Haahahahahaha!

McCain can win over the Conservative base of the Republican Party, voters who NOW threaten, like Ann Coulter this morning on The Today Show, to use LOGIC, and vote for Hillary, have a 4 yr. disaster with Healthcare and the Economy, with Conservatives in Congress fighting her ALL THE WAY, then Romney or a BETTER Conservative zooming back in 2012. McCain could cause a 30-year disaster, Open Borders, Amnesty for 25 Million Illegals, Tax Cuts Repealed, afraid to use Enhanced Interrogation on Terrorist Murderers to save lives, and Republicans in Congress nervous about trashing "their own" President.
But all McCain has to do is promise Conservatives to appoint Strict Constructionist Judges, nominate Mitt Romney as V.P., and Rudy Guiliani as FBI Director or Attorney General, and a Conservative to headf I.N.S. (Immigration), and he's a shoe-in.:tongout:

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