Bush to lift executive ban on offshore oil drilling


the observer
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush will announce Monday he is lifting an executive order banning offshore oil drilling, the White House said.
If President Bush can persuade Congress, more oil rigs like this one off Canada could appear off U.S. shores.

If President Bush can persuade Congress, more oil rigs like this one off Canada could appear off U.S. shores.

The move is largely symbolic because there is also a federal law banning offshore drilling.

Bush has been pushing Congress to repeal the law passed in 1981.

"There is no excuse for delay," the president said in a Rose Garden statement last month.

"In the short run, the American economy will continue to rely largely on oil, and that means we need to increase supply here at home," Bush said, adding that there is no more pressing issue for many Americans than gas prices.

Bush's father, President George H.W. Bush, signed the executive order in 1990 banning offshore drilling. See where offshore drilling is allowed »

The president plans to announce his decision at 1:30 p.m. in the Rose Garden.

The issue has gained prominence in the presidential race. Sen. John McCain recently announced he supported offshore oil drilling, reversing his previous stance.
Oil production cost
Here's what the price of a barrel of oil needs to be for different sources of petroleum to be profitably extracted:

- Accessible land: $19
- Shallow water: $20-60
- Deep water: $60
- Shale mining: $30-50
- Oil sands: $50-60

Current price per barrel: $145

Sources: U.S. Govt. CERA, Rand, EnCana

Sen. Barack Obama wants to keep the ban in place.

Experts say offshore oil drilling would not have an immediate impact on oil prices because oil exploration takes years.

"If we were to drill today, realistically speaking, we should not expect a barrel of oil coming out of this new resource for three years, maybe even five years, so let's not kid ourselves," said Fadel Gheit, oil and gas analyst with Oppenheimer & Co. Equity Capital Markets Division.

But it almost certainly would be profitable.

Candida Scott, an oil industry researcher at Cambridge Research Associates, said oil needs to be priced at $60 a barrel or more to justify deep-shelf drilling. With oil now selling for $145 a barrel, companies are almost assured of profiting from offshore drilling, Scott said.

In his statement last month, Bush also renewed his demand that Congress allow drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, clear the way for more refineries and encourage efforts to recover oil from shale in areas such as the Green River Basin of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

The White House estimates that there are 18 billion barrels of oil offshore that have not been exploited because of state bans, 10 billion to 12 billion in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the Green River Basin.

As long as when the companies get permits to dril they drill and do not just sit on the leases to wait till the price goes up as they have in the past.
As long as when the companies get permits to dril they drill and do not just sit on the leases to wait till the price goes up as they have in the past.

If they are sitting on a lease that not only has oil, but has also been capable of generating oil at a profit, then I agree. However, when you look at the info she posted...

Here's what the price of a barrel of oil needs to be for different sources of petroleum to be profitably extracted:

- Accessible land: $19
- Shallow water: $20-60
- Deep water: $60
- Shale mining: $30-50
- Oil sands: $50-60

So oil sands, Deep water, some shallow water and some shale sites have only been economically viable for the past few years.

So all that Gulf acreage that the left is currently bitching about "oil companies sitting on leases" has largely been economically unviable until recent prices increases took hold.
Not just the gulf, remember Exxon sueing alaska for reletting some leases Exxon had held for 30+ years and not drilled ?
Not just the gulf, remember Exxon sueing alaska for reletting some leases Exxon had held for 30+ years and not drilled ?

As I stated, IF they are sitting on leases that could have been producing at economically viable levels, then I AGREE they should have the leases pulled.

Do try to fucking read and comprehend. Your constant 'this is my talking point regardless of what anyone says' is almost as old as you.
Yeah that is what I heard a lot when I warned of the economic problems we are moving into now.
When I warned how Iraq would turn out.
When I said Iraq was for oil.
That is was a mistake to vote for Bush.

I will just stick with my method, thank you.
Yeah that is what I heard a lot when I warned of the economic problems we are moving into now.
When I warned how Iraq would turn out.
When I said Iraq was for oil.
That is was a mistake to vote for Bush.

I will just stick with my method, thank you.

So now we are back to stage 2.0 of your moronic defense methods. Get called out on your stupidity and you resort to the 'Bush sucks' defense.

None of the above have a damn thing to do with this post. Moron.
So now we are back to stage 2.0 of your moronic defense methods. Get called out on your stupidity and you resort to the 'Bush sucks' defense.

None of the above have a damn thing to do with this post. Moron.

It has everything to do with how I stick with my principles.
Your attack on me had nothing to do with this post either. Imbecile.
It has everything to do with how I stick with my principles.
Your attack on me had nothing to do with this post either. Imbecile.

wow... two whole lines and BOTH are wrong.

When someone agrees with your position and then adds on to the discussion, it is not "sticking to principles" to act like they disagreed with you.

Yes, my attack on you had everything to do with your idiotic response to my first post on this thread. Because you are clearly incapable of comprehending what was said. Moron.