Bush to Veto Bill Banning Waterboarding


Villified User
Mar 7, 7:18 PM EST

Bush to Veto Bill Banning Waterboarding

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House says President Bush will veto legislation on Saturday that would have barred the CIA from using waterboarding - a technique that simulates drowning - and other harsh interrogation methods on terror suspects.

Bush has said the bill would harm the government's ability to prevent future attacks. Supporters of the legislation argue that it preserves the United States' right to collect critical intelligence while boosting the country's moral standing abroad.

"The bill would take away one of the most valuable tools on the war on terror, the CIA program to detain and question key terrorist leaders and operatives," deputy White House press secretary Tony Fratto said Friday.

The bill would restrict the CIA to using only the 19 interrogation techniques listed in the Army field manual.

I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! How dare those clowns embarrass Bush like this! Damn weenies! Isn't he busy enough saving the economy? How dare they distract him! I say treason! Treason!

I thought I'd save the wingnuts the trouble of posting :clink:
Good Ammo for the dem nominee to use against McCain
And all of the other Republicans that have backed Bush.
Not shocked. I just think that since we think waterboarding is ok we should send pardons to the families of the Japanese soldiers we tried and convicted of waterboarding.
Not shocked. I just think that since we think waterboarding is ok we should send pardons to the families of the Japanese soldiers we tried and convicted of waterboarding.

But that was different, Soc. We're the good guys and we have a system.
If there's nothing wrong with it i would demand that "waterboarding", some say simulated drowning, be introduced as an interrogation technique in every police station in every US State.

Surely only criminals would have anything to fear?
In all the arguments about waterboarding, they never address the "torture" aspect of it. They just use 9/11, and call it a valuable "tool" that we have to have in these dangerous times.

Using their "logic," they could also justify using a blowtorch or a pair of pliers. It never relates to the method, just the effectiveness.

Bush is a really despicable human being.
Okay. Now imagine Bill Clinton doing this.
Better yet imagine Bill Clinton doing this and republicans not giving him massive amounts of shit about it. Probably tying it back to Monica Lewinsky, a couple would say that Vince Foster was waterboarded before he died, that he vetoed the bill to create news that would take away from the Monica Lewinsky coverage. Any number of ridiculous senarios can be imagined. Such was the hate of Bill Clinton. A hate that began on the first day of his presidency and continues to this day. It is irrational.
does anyone else remember Bob doles official speech after Clowntoon beat pappy bush.
I just about rolled in the floor over his sour grapes you will be sorry speech. So childish.