Bush voters have earned their malaise


New member
I keep hearing GOP pundits saying that a malaise is starting to descend on the party, with a failed President polling in the 20's, a candidate who the base hated just a few short months ago headed for a potentially big loss, the Senate headed toward a possible 60 seat majority and big gains predicted for Dems in the House.

Good! I knew from the first 20 minutes of the 1st Bush/Gore debate that Bush would be a disaster for the GOP (not to mention the country). Since then, Bush voters have bought everything the propogandists have fed them, from "I'm a uniter" to "Gore the serial exaggerator" to "can't wait for proof in the form of a mushroom cloud" to "global test." People who rightly knew the Iraq war was folly were called traitors & boycotted. People who knew that "cut taxes" didn't amount to a serious economic plan were called socialists. Bush was never qualified for the Presidency, not by a longshot, and in his time, huge issues like healthcare have been ignored while others like education have been botched. And the answer to "are you better off than you were 8 years ago" has rarely been a more resounding "no!"

And you gave this guy 2 terms! Fools; "malaise" doesn't come close to atoning for your stupidity, but it will have to do...
Yeah on the one hand we can sit back with the full knowledge that we were right from the beginning. On some level that validation of political judgement does feel good.

But then the ego boost is quickly outweighed by the clusterfvck he's gotten us into. I mean, even I didn't see his presidency being this much of a disaster. I mean, just about anything he could have fcked up, he did.
Yeah on the one hand we can sit back with the full knowledge that we were right from the beginning. On some level that validation of political judgement does feel good.

But then the ego boost is quickly outweighed by the clusterfvck he's gotten us into. I mean, even I didn't see his presidency being this much of a disaster. I mean, just about anything he could have fcked up, he did.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I could care less about the vindication now, and wish I had been woefully wrong about Bush. Just a year ago I was being ridiculed for saying that we'd be able to trace our decline as a superpower back to the Bush years, and already in the past few weeks, I have seen a few articles along the lines of "are our days as a superpower over?"

If the guy's last name isn't Bush, we never would have heard about him. I start going through all the scenarios...like, if Ford had been Reagan's VP, Bush never would have been Prez, and by extension, we'd never have had Dubya, that kind of thing. I really torture myself.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I could care less about the vindication now, and wish I had been woefully wrong about Bush. Just a year ago I was being ridiculed for saying that we'd be able to trace our decline as a superpower back to the Bush years, and already in the past few weeks, I have seen a few articles along the lines of "are our days as a superpower over?"

If the guy's last name isn't Bush, we never would have heard about him. I start going through all the scenarios...like, if Ford had been Reagan's VP, Bush never would have been Prez, and by extension, we'd never have had Dubya, that kind of thing. I really torture myself.

Or if Barbara only had an abortion........
...I have seen a few articles along the lines of "are our days as a superpower over?"

Under right wing ideology it is.

I believe this has been the radical right's plan since Reagan. To suck middle class wealth up to the top and to drive down our standard of living. To basically bankrupt this country into servitude.
The only way to combat this is to expose their ideology for what it is. I think the stock market has opened a lot of people's eyes lately.
I keep hearing GOP pundits saying that a malaise is starting to descend on the party, with a failed President polling in the 20's, a candidate who the base hated just a few short months ago headed for a potentially big loss, the Senate headed toward a possible 60 seat majority and big gains predicted for Dems in the House.

Good! I knew from the first 20 minutes of the 1st Bush/Gore debate that Bush would be a disaster for the GOP (not to mention the country). Since then, Bush voters have bought everything the propogandists have fed them, from "I'm a uniter" to "Gore the serial exaggerator" to "can't wait for proof in the form of a mushroom cloud" to "global test." People who rightly knew the Iraq war was folly were called traitors & boycotted. People who knew that "cut taxes" didn't amount to a serious economic plan were called socialists. Bush was never qualified for the Presidency, not by a longshot, and in his time, huge issues like healthcare have been ignored while others like education have been botched. And the answer to "are you better off than you were 8 years ago" has rarely been a more resounding "no!"

And you gave this guy 2 terms! Fools; "malaise" doesn't come close to atoning for your stupidity, but it will have to do...

You know what happened in New Hampshire in 2006?

It was overshadowed by the partisan house switch, but the GOP has held a majority in both houses since the 19th century. Then, all of the sudden, they lost almost two hundred seats in the house and their majority in the senate, and the incumbent Republican governer was defeated. I honestly don't think there's ever been a partisan switch so dramatic since the 30's.
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Once or twice. why?

same. I told my sister this morning (she has one daughter) that if she got pregnant again with a girl to abort it until she has a boy (i want her to have a boy). She told me to fuck off and hung up on me.