Bush: We are in 'a struggle for civilization'


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In a prime time speech from the Oval Office, President Bush told the American people Monday night that the country faces "a struggle for civilization" as it fights the war on terrorism sparked by the 9/11 attacks five years ago.

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Bush is absolutely correct. But the battle is also against Bush and his types that shamelessly use these types of didasters for their personal gain, in a different manner but like the terrorists used for their gain.
We have really learned nothing, and have set the civilized level of the USA back somewhat.
I agree USC.

We are stuck in the middle between two Machiavellian extremist fringes who are determined to have their 'clash of the civilisations' and the poor dumb people of the ME, US, EU and rest of the world have to suck on it.

There is surprising equivalence between AQ and its supporters and the extremist West and theirs...

People like Dixie, for example, remind me so much of the Muslim clerics who preached their hate in Mosques in London....
Bush: We are in 'a struggle for civilization'

Wow. That's definetly a life-or-death situation. Something FDR might have said. It definetly implies the most dire situation a country can face.

But, if Bush is telling the truth, why do we only have 130,000 troops in iraq, why hasn't he instituted a military draft, and why is he madly cutting taxes for the rich instead of putting us on a war-footing?
I agree with Cypress. This isn't a battle for civilization. He makes it sound like the hokey speech the president makes before fighting the aliens in independece day.

Bush must think this is some sort of GI Joe episdoe or something.
Bush: We are in 'a struggle for civilization'

Wow. That's definetly a life-or-death situation. Something FDR might have said. It definetly implies the most dire situation a country can face.

But, if Bush is telling the truth, why do we only have 130,000 troops in iraq, why hasn't he instituted a military draft, and why is he madly cutting taxes for the rich instead of putting us on a war-footing?

very good questions cypress!
The royal we of course. Which of course comes from the divine right of kings in which the rulers when saying we referred to he and God.
I have to wonder what Bush's definition of "we" is.....

I don't know.

But, I know when FDR said something about a "fight for civilization itself", he meant it. He put us on a war footing, instituted a draft, and kicked ass.

Unless we assume bush is lying (always a possiblity), if we are indeed in a "fight for civilization itself", why the fuck aren't we on a war-footing?
Cypress, we do not even have a declared war, but we are in a war for civilization ????

then why the alarmist, fear-mongering rhetoric?

Either this is a "war for civilization", or its not. Bush is acting like its not. He's cutting taxes for the rich, telling people to go shopping, and destroying the all-volunteer army.