Bush's ratings up


Villified User
Don't know how much or anything just glimpsed a headline.
Just thought I would bring it up before Dixie did :)
At this point in time ... does it really matter? They'll never get high enough for 2006 candidates to ride his coat tails. If things dramatically turn around ... it mught matter in the 2008 elections...

So lets take a look at what needs to happen from now until Nov. 2008 ....

Iraq .. things need to turn around in Iraq ... there must be some semblance of Peaceful resolution between Iraqs New Government and those who oppose ..call them what you will. Or... we need to withdraw from the region. Within a two year period will either happen? Possible..but Unlikely ...

Energy .. There must be stability in the price of Oil ... in two years how much will a barral of oil cost ... 80. , 90., 100+ ... and will the economy be able to sustain such inflation? Also ... we must show some type of conversion over to alternative forms of energy ... are we fast tracking? Will the Republicans be able to show examples of Government leadership in the fast tracking over to alternative forms of energy?

Interest rates ... one of the reasons Greenspan had begun to raise inerest rates was a fear of an over heating economy.. well he raised them alright ...but since he left office..how many times did it get raised? And now we may have a situation where they went couple of times too many. With inflation as a result of oil prices, home energy prices, cost of construction way up, cost of insurance way up becuse of the Hurricanes, ....the housing industry has gone into hibernation which is now raising the flags of recession. The interests rates need to start dropping... and fast.

So these are the essentials ... and if Republicans are going to run on coat tails ... these are not the coat tails to run on ...
Will Bush be able to turn these around in two years?
All that matters in the long run, we're assuming no major attacks. For the Dems, no major attacks. The Europeans do deploy some troops in Lebanon, with no major brouhaha there. (Big assumption).

More important and equally unlikely- No major attacks on US/Western Europe. Why would any of us care if Russia is hit by Chechyans? They have been fair. I hated the babies killed, but it seems the didn't. So f them.

My guess, the West will be hit, then all bets are off.

Could go totally dhimmi, and wouldn't surprise me.

Then again, could be they take this as a wake up and call to arms. Also wouldn't surprise me. Bo†h fit historical framework.