Business as usual

"The political consequences of the fast-spreading Bonusgate scandal could be enormous.

Will incumbents be threatened by a newly infuriated, throw-out-the-crooks electorate? Will Democrats surrender the state House, which they control by one vote, to Republicans? Will the legislature, scheduled to meet for as few as nine days this fall, be able to conduct business effectively amid the political fallout?

"If true, these allegations are what cause people to lose faith in government," said Rep. Daylin Leach (D., Montgomery), who is running for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Connie Williams.

Attorney General Tom Corbett on Thursday announced indictments of 12 people: Rep. Sean Ramaley (D., Beaver), former House Democratic Whip Michael Veon of Beaver County, and 10 current and former staff members.

The indictments allege that they ran a tightly organized political operation out of Veon's Capitol suite and his district office. Hundreds of legislative workers on the House Democrats' payroll are accused of doing everything from stuffing envelopes to running campaign phone banks from government offices.

The 12 were arraigned in District Court