C-Span This Morning


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C-Span this morning ask the question of it's call in listeners, "Is voting an obligation?"

I personally would have ask "What damned fool would feel obligated to vote in the duopoly's rigged elections, when they rig the ballot access requirements, decide who gets into the national debate and they own all of the Wall Street and other special interest money?"

Voting is not an obligation, it's a sucker's act. Voting in rigged duopoly elections isn't patriotic, it's the brain-dead action of the duopoly's pawns.
Right....and "Apathy" is much better.....one gets to control so much more by NOT ACTING. Seems to me a PAWN simply bends over and takes it up the kister, he's way to smart to fall for that voting scam, so he just bitches. :)
C-Span this morning ask the question of it's call in listeners, "Is voting an obligation?"

I personally would have ask "What damned fool would feel obligated to vote in the duopoly's rigged elections, when they rig the ballot access requirements, decide who gets into the national debate and they own all of the Wall Street and other special interest money?"

Voting is not an obligation, it's a sucker's act. Voting in rigged duopoly elections isn't patriotic, it's the brain-dead action of the duopoly's pawns.
You could vote third party or a write in, you have still voted and not for the duopoly system you hate. Not voting is lame.
Right....and "Apathy" is much better.....one gets to control so much more by NOT ACTING. Seems to me a PAWN simply bends over and takes it up the kister, he's way to smart to fall for that voting scam, so he just bitches. :)

So you don't know the difference between proclaiming truths and bitching, huh?

There are other actions aside from voting. We could be petitioning and supporting a constitutional convention to restore the Bill Of Rights, State's Powers and replacing the present duopoly crooked voting system with an honest, fair system incorruptible by money and bribery Oh wait! That makes too much sense and it's actually patriotic and constitutional, huh? Let's just keep putting the duopoly crooked bastards in power till we're bankrupted and have a revolution. Then we'll do something different and probably have a dictator take over and rule the ignorant masses with an iron fist, right?
You could vote third party or a write in, you have still voted and not for the duopoly system you hate. Not voting is lame.

Why waste time? How many write in candidates ever had a chance of winning anything in the duopoly's rigged elections? "Lame" is voting for crooks in rigged elections. Hillary and Trump are both felons! You'd be in jail for doing what they've done! You want to make one of those felons the next President? That's "LAME!"
So you don't know the difference between proclaiming truths and bitching, huh?

There are other actions aside from voting. We could be petitioning and supporting a constitutional convention to restore the Bill Of Rights, State's Powers and replacing the present duopoly crooked voting system with an honest, fair system incorruptible by money and bribery Oh wait! That makes too much sense and it's actually patriotic and constitutional, huh? Let's just keep putting the duopoly crooked bastards in power till we're bankrupted and have a revolution. Then we'll do something different and probably have a dictator take over and rule the ignorant masses with an iron fist, right?

Bitching: See above post. Apathy: Bitching void of action:) Note the "would'a, could'a, shoud'a" 'S .....TALK is nothing but bitching GOSSIP.

If you are not part of the process.....YOU DESERVE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT. Voting is a "right", its up to you whether you exercise that right or not. If you do not you give the minority cronies the right to walk all over YOUR RIGHTS.

The reason these conditions exist today? About 1/2 of the US population has transferred their RIGHTS to those who do vote.....due to apathy and complacency. Keep bitching....while the political cronies laugh all the way to the bank.
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Bitching: See above post. Apathy: Bitching void of action:) Note the "would'a, could'a, shoud'a" 'S .....TALK is nothing but bitching GOSSIP.

If you are not part of the process.....YOU DESERVE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT. Voting is a "right", its up to you whether you exercise that right or not. If you do not you give the minority cronies the right to walk all over YOUR RIGHTS.

The reason these conditions exist today? About 1/2 of the US population has transferred their RIGHTS to those who do vote.....due to apathy and complacency. Keep bitching....while the political cronies laugh all the way to the bank.

I shall inform you that it's the suckers that vote who have transferred their rights to the crooked bastards they're voting for. All your doing fool is sanctifying and encouraging the crooked bastards. The crooked duopoly owns your political soul. The moneyed special interest and their crooked duopoly candidates own the system and you have NO choice but accept them as your master.
I shall inform you that it's the suckers that vote who have transferred their rights to the crooked bastards they're voting for. All your doing fool is sanctifying and encouraging the crooked bastards. The crooked duopoly owns your political soul. The moneyed special interest and their crooked duopoly candidates own the system and you have NO choice but accept them as your master.

I hate to tell you this; but you also allowed all those who did vote to transfer your rights also. :chesh:
I hate to tell you this; but you also allowed all those who did vote to transfer your rights also. :chesh:

The difference of course is I'm not stupid enough to waste my time verifying, sanctifying and encouraging the corruption. I choose to leave that insanity to the clueless suckers.
The difference of course is I'm not stupid enough to waste my time verifying, sanctifying and encouraging the corruption. I choose to leave that insanity to the clueless suckers.

I'm to lazy to do anything , but complain about what I let others do to and for me.
I'm to lazy to do anything , but complain about what I let others do to and for me.

Surely you're gonna explain in detail how "voting" in rigged elections will prevent/fix what others do to me, right?:dunno:

How humorous it is that those with weak and absurd arguments, attempt to portray the truth and logical arguments as "complaining." I totally understand that absurd and failed ignorant attempt at an argument.:rofl2::cof1:
Surely you're gonna explain in detail how "voting" in rigged elections will prevent/fix what others do to me, right?:dunno:

How humorous it is that those with weak and absurd arguments, attempt to portray the truth and logical arguments as "complaining." I totally understand that absurd and failed ignorant attempt at an argument.:rofl2::cof1:

And yet, you just allow others to make decisions for you. :D
And yet, you just allow others to make decisions for you. :D

The "OTHERS" you speak of make the decisions for you as well as me and everybody else. You're only choice is a duopoly candidate because they own the ballot access system, the national media, the national debate and all of the special interest money. You're voting for the crooked duopoly dictatorship. It's an organized crime cartel.
The "OTHERS" you speak of make the decisions for you as well as me and everybody else. You're only choice is a duopoly candidate because they own the ballot access system, the national media, the national debate and all of the special interest money. You're voting for the crooked duopoly dictatorship. It's an organized crime cartel.

But the difference is, is that I participate in that decision making; whereas you would rather have others do it for you. :D
But the difference is, is that I participate in that decision making; whereas you would rather have others do it for you. :D

You only participate in the sucker sanctioning of the crooked duopoly dictatorship.:rofl2:

You have no rational argument. You have yet to deny that the crooked duopoly owns national media, the national debate, ballot access and all of the special interest money. Since you can't deny or debate those facts, your only reply to those facts is you participate in a crooked rigged election process sanctifying and encouraging the corrupt dictatorship as though your feeble argument is some perverse badge of honor.:rofl2: How pathetic!:dunno::cof1:
You only participate in the sucker sanctioning of the crooked duopoly dictatorship.:rofl2:

You have no rational argument. You have yet to deny that the crooked duopoly owns national media, the national debate, ballot access and all of the special interest money. Since you can't deny or debate those facts, your only reply to those facts is you participate in a crooked rigged election process sanctifying and encouraging the corrupt dictatorship as though your feeble argument is some perverse badge of honor.:rofl2: How pathetic!:dunno::cof1:

And after all of that, you just allow others to make those decisions for you. :good4u:
The difference of course is I'm not stupid enough to waste my time verifying, sanctifying and encouraging the corruption. I choose to leave that insanity to the clueless suckers.

Then you're part of the problem.