California legislature passes bill requiring government agencies to hire illegals

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Yep, the Democrats in California have passed legislation that requires government hiring of people in the US illegally. This is a federal crime, usually a serious felony. On top of that giving hiring preferences to criminals in the country illegally is utterly insane.

Now, that makes criminals of the state employees who would be hiring them. It makes the state agencies open to massive fines for doing so.

While the bill is still in the legislature, just the sheer, utter, complete, stupidity of Democrats to even propose, let alone pass, such a bill says a lot about how insane the Left really is.
Yep, the Democrats in California have passed legislation that requires government hiring of people in the US illegally. This is a federal crime, usually a serious felony. On top of that giving hiring preferences to criminals in the country illegally is utterly insane.

Now, that makes criminals of the state employees who would be hiring them. It makes the state agencies open to massive fines for doing so.

While the bill is still in the legislature, just the sheer, utter, complete, stupidity of Democrats to even propose, let alone pass, such a bill says a lot about how insane the Left really is.
What is next,,,,giving them drivers licenses ? Oh wait...there is no end to these loons.
Not their fault.
It is once they turn 18. They know they are in the country illegally, and on their 18th birthday it becomes their responsibility to either leave and go back to their country of origin, where they are legal citizens, or accept that they are now breaking US immigration law and take the risk of arrest and incarceration for their breaking US immigration law.
It is once they turn 18. They know they are in the country illegally, and on their 18th birthday it becomes their responsibility to either leave and go back to their country of origin, where they are legal citizens, or accept that they are now breaking US immigration law and take the risk of arrest and incarceration for their breaking US immigration law.
I know you're against giving them opportunity to become citizens.
I know you're against giving them opportunity to become citizens.
There's a process and it doesn't include being in the US for years illegally. If they want to become citizens, they can go back to whatever country their parents came from where they are citizens and apply for US citizenship like other law-abiding individuals do.