California vs. Affluenza

It's probably time the 1%ers (finally) had a bad-day.

Septembver 2, 2016 - "Lawmakers in California have passed legislation imposing mandatory prison sentences for those convicted in sexual assault cases — including instances in which the victims were unconscious or too intoxicated to consent.

The bill - A.B. 2888 - is awaiting Gov. Jerry Brown’s signature after it was approved by both California’s Senate and State Assembly with overwhelming support. The bill, which the governor has until Sept. 30 to veto or sign, would require judges to choose an appropriate prison term rather than opt for probation or a stint in jail.

‘‘Sexually assaulting an unconscious or intoxicated victim is a terrible crime and our laws need to reflect that,’’ Assemblyman Bill Dodd, D-Napa, who helped introduce the bill, said in a statement. ‘‘Letting felons convicted of such crimes get off with probation discourages other survivors from coming forward and sends the message that raping incapacitated victims is no big deal.

‘‘This bill is about more than sentencing, it’s about supporting victims and changing the culture on our college campuses to help prevent future crimes. I urge Governor Brown to join the legislature in standing with victims and building a culture that suppresses these reprehensible crimes.’’


"Does this mean the rich-kids, in California, won't let US play with their toys, now??!!!"​