Call It The Kenosha Revolution


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After Soviet Communists came to power they idolized the Winter Palace the same way patriotic Americans correctly revered the Boston Tea Party. In short: The Winter Palace led to 70 years of brutal tyranny, while the Boston Tea Party led to more than 200 years of individual liberties.

Lenin was determined to lead his Bolsheviks to power by exploiting the war-weariness that affected Russian citizens and soldiers alike. Throughout the spring and summer he attempted to rally the crowds in the streets of St. Petersburg through rabble-rousing speeches that called for Russia’s immediate withdrawal from the war. However, his efforts to transform the enflamed passions of the people to a march on the headquarters of the Provisional Government at the former Czar’s Winter Palace failed.

The revolution was led by the Bolsheviks, who used their influence in the Petrograd Soviet to organize the armed forces. Bolshevik Red Guards forces under the Military-Revolutionary Committee began the occupation of government buildings on 25 October (O.S.; 7 November, N.S.), 1917. The following day, the Winter Palace (the seat of the Provisional government located in Petrograd, then capital of Russia) was captured.

NOTE: Black Lives Matter is the Democrat Party’s slogan.

The slogan of the October revolution was All Power to the Soviets, to mean that power would rest with democratically-elected local councils. [“democratically-elected” sounds familiar to Democrats!]

Freedom-loving Americans have Kenosha:

Wisconsin is an “open carry” state where it is lawful to carry a loaded firearm — long-gun or handgun — so long as it is visible. A permit is only required to carry a “concealed” weapon.

Tonight in Kenosha, there are a lot of “open carry” weapons on hand.

Various reports claim the armed individuals are:

1. Out of town “militia” there to confront rioters and protect private property.

2. Individuals who wish to protect protesters from police.

3. Right-wing antagonists of Antifa/BLM simply looking for an opportunity for a confrontation.

4. Local resident’s intent on preventing a second night of rampant destruction in Kenosha.

Shots Fired, Confrontations Multiplying: UPDATE: RIOTER SHOT
Posted at 1:00 am on August 26, 2020
by Shipwreckedcrew

Now bump up last night’s event in Kenosha to 300 million:

There are more guns than people in the United States (400 million are in circulation for a population of 330 million). In just the first six months of 2020, approximately 19 million firearms have been sold, representing more than one firearm for every 20 Americans.

Three million more guns: The Spring 2020 spike in firearm sales
Phillip B. Levine and Robin McKnight
Monday, July 13, 2020

The number of law-abiding American gun-owners is moving upward for obvious reason:

Using the FBI’s National Instant Background Check System, National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearm trade association, estimates that there were over 12 million guns bought in the first seven months of 2020 — up more than 70 percent over the same time span in 2019. This number is likely to include nearly 5 million first-time gun owners so far this year. That is probably the biggest surge in gun ownership in American history. It’s worth noting, too, that the number would likely be higher if gun shops hadn’t been trying to keep up with demand for months.

Five Million Americans Became First-Time Gun Owners in 2020
By David Harsanyi
August 24, 2020 9:37 PM

Finally, private sector Americans are holding a winning hand. Americans are now at the point of no return. Violent revolution as a matter of self-defense is their only choice. Democrat Party Communists be forewarned:

There is no evidence showing that a majority of enlisted personnel in the U.S. military will kill fellow Americans on orders from the federal government, nor is there any proof that a majority of local and state police forces will side with Washington rather than fight alongside their neighbors.

p.s. The Chicago sewer rat’s personal goon squad is outgunned by at least 50 to 1:
Americans are now at the point of no return. Violent revolution as a matter of self-defense is their only choice.

I pity Kyle Rittenhouse. If he was a Communist he would be hailed as a hero. Sad to say he is about to be crucified because he shot a Communist rioter. Other than the initial report:

Shots Fired, Confrontations Multiplying: UPDATE: RIOTER SHOT​

I have not found one article that tells the reader a rioter was shot by a young man old enough to kill enemies in foreign lands. Steven Hayward appears to be on Rittenhouse’s side, yet he carefully avoids mentioning that Rittenhouse shot rioters that got what they deserved:

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Indeed, Hayward cleverly calls Rittenhouse a vigilante:

That’s no place for a 17-year-old, even if he is a regular at the gun range. And resorting to vigilantism is a sure path to a breakdown in the rule of law and perhaps even open civil war.

Posted on August 27, 2020
by Steven Hayward in Media, Riots
About That Kenosha Shooter
I pity Kyle Rittenhouse. If he was a Communist he would be hailed as a hero. Sad to say he is about to be crucified because he shot a Communist rioter.


Deputy District Attorney Mike Graveley

Gravely is one more D.A. in a long line of Democrat district attorneys:

The Kenosha County DA Has a History of Prosecuting Self-Defense Cases
Posted at 8:30 pm on August 28, 2020
by Scott Hounsell

NOTE: George Soros is spending millions to put his district attorneys in office.

George Soros Still Quietly Buying District Attorneys’ Seats
Peter Hasson
Associate Editor
10:06 PM 05/18/2017

In short: Kyle Rittenhouse does not stand a chance if he pleads self-defense.

Gun control advocates use criminals as a scare tactic at the same time Democrats have been abolishing the legal concept of self-defense for everybody except Democrat murderers.

Self-defense is ludicrous when you look at some of the state laws that liberals have managed to pass in their drive to disarm the American people. Example: If an intruder is climbing through a window and you shoot him he better fall inside the house. If he falls outside the window you are in big trouble. The same is true if you smash in his head or stab him; proving that self-defense is the Left’s secondary target after banning guns.

Self-defense is almost non-existent outside your home while still on your property. The general rule in all instances of self-defense says that you can defend yourself, but do not do it too strenuously. Should you find yourself in the Left’s legal trap your attorney, the prosecutor, and a judge will decide your fate behind your back. Unless you are well-off, or well-connected, I guarantee you will not like their decision.

Wounding an intruder is almost as bad. The damaged intruder hires a lawyer and files a lawsuit. He then testifies that he is only a thief who would not hurt a fly. Before you ever set a foot in a criminal, or civil, courtroom self-defense is the villain in the piece.

Even more ludicrous is the Left’s position that says theft is not punishable by death. So who decides? Why a district attorney of course. How do they know an intruder’s intent? Answer: They consult crystal balls that tells them an intruder was only going to steal from you. You are not permitted to decide when a stranger breaking into your home was going to kill you.

On the other side of the government’s coin murder is legal as in Terry Schiavo’s murder.
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The Trump administration has the right idea..........anyone caught engaging in violent riots and currently drawing UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS will have their benefits suspended. Genius
The Communist Party’s case against Kyle Rittenhouse is sure to become a cause célèbre (CIRCUS) on television. I can write the dialogue for television mouths before the scaffold is built.

Here are the facts and the law before they get lost after the trial begins:

On August 27th, prosecutors in Kenosha County filed six charges against Kyle Rittenhouse which read as follows:

1. First degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon
2. First degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon
3. First degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon
4. Attempt first degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon
5.First degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon
6. Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.

A detailed breakdown of the facts of the case can be found here. What follows is a breakdown of the law applicable to the case.

Counts 1, 3, and 4 relate to shots fired at Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz respectively, all of whom are on film attacking Kyle Rittenhouse as he attempts to flee. Count 2 is ancillary to Count 1, relating to Daily Caller reporter Richard McGinnis, who was following Rosenbaum at the time of the incident and was therefore in Kyle’s line of fire. Count 5 refers to the two shots fired at the unknown male who attempted a jumping stomp on Kyle’s head after he tripped and fell while fleeing a violent mob. Both shots missed and the man fled the scene. Count 6 is an attempt to punish Kyle for merely having the gun.

The defense against Counts 1 to 5 will be Wisconsin’s broad self-defense laws. Citizens have no duty to flee when endangered (although Kyle did) and maintain self-defense privileges even if attacked by those one provokes (so long as the provocation did not include criminal entrapment). There is no duty to use the least possible force when threatened, only reasonable force, a standard judged by the person in question. In other words, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Kyle Rittenhouse did not believe he had risk of great bodily harm and that the force he used was unreasonable according to Kyle’s own standards. Unlikely, given the facts of the case.

Additionally, both men killed by Rittenhouse had their hands on Kyle’s gun at the time of being shot, a detail confirmed by eyewitness Richard McGinnis and videos of the incident, making the men in possession of a gun. Both Rosenbaum and Huber were convicted felons and therefore may not possess firearms in Wisconsin. Bizarrely, even the charges mention that the men had grabbed Rittenhouse’s gun, undermining the prosecutors’ allegations. Worse yet, Gaige Grosskreutz, the third felon shot by Rittenhouse, had an illegal handgun drawn and pointed at Rittenhouse just before being shot. Grosskreutz later admitted through a third party that “his only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag into him.” Grosskreutz has not been charged with a crime.

We are left with Count 6, illegal possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18. Kyle Rittenhouse is only 17, an open and shut case, right? Not quite. There is an exception for minors under 18 years of age armed with a rifle, which Kyle was indeed armed with. There are exceptions to this exception dealing with persons under 16 and hunting approvals, but neither are applicable in this case. Kyle Rittenhouse escapes this charge as well.

Considering the facts of the case and the state laws governing Wisconsin, it becomes clear that Kyle’s actions were not reckless -- the prosecutor’s decisions were.

The story of Kyle Rittenhouse is more than a gripping piece of news, it is a telling philosophical Rorschach test. A lone individual stood up to a mob of violent felons, abusers, and pedophiles, asserting his right to live over their lust for his blood, and won. While the American public, generous in their deference for human life, and may have paused in horror at the shootings, the tide of public opinion is turning for Kyle as the deluge of exculpatory facts break through the dam of misinformation. Americans should take note at which institutions were quick to back Kyle, which condemned him, and the cowards in between.

America’s Founders foresaw the need for armed young men to rise to the defense of their communities against rioters, looters, and foreign invaders. Men younger than Kyle fought in the American Revolution, put down insurrections under George Washington, and trained in militia groups in anticipation of threats. It was for these men that the 2nd Amendment was written, and it is men like Kyle whom the amendment must continue to protect.

The frailty of the charges brought against Kyle Rittenhouse show the well from which the insurrectionist mobs draw their power: the political class, the prosecutor’s office, and the media. Rittenhouse is charged with allegations refuted by the prosecutor’s own complaint, but the Portland murderer can gun down Trump supporters in the street because prosecutors declined to press charges for his gun crimes. The privilege of immunity for city leaders and prosecutors who abdicate their duties must end. It is time for President Trump to order his Justice Department to lock up corrupt prosecutors and city leaders who knowingly put people in danger.

Until then, we depend on citizens like Kyle Rittenhouse.

September 1, 2020
The Charges Against Kyle Rittenhouse
By Grant Baker

Regardless of the facts, the law, justice, and self-defense I stand by:

Kyle Rittenhouse does not stand a chance if he pleads self-defense.
NOTE: George Soros is spending millions to put his district attorneys in office.
George Soros Still Quietly Buying District Attorneys’ Seats
Peter Hasson
Associate Editor
10:06 PM 05/18/2017

George Soros’ money protected more criminals and funded more anti-America organizations than did the next ten wealthiest Democrats.

The Secretary of State Project (SOSP) is the one that should be enough to deport Soros back to Hungry:

Houston Police Sgt. Killed By Repeat Offender After Soros-Funded D.A. Refused to Press Charges
By Debra Heine
October 20, 2020