Calling Garbage A Pride Flag While Radicals Call For Mandating Garbage On Schools

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Calling Garbage A Pride Flag While Radicals Call For Mandating Garbage On Schools

What is there to be proud of when it comes to a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman?

(crickets) Not anything but if you pose this question to the LGBT compulsive obsessive lying deceiving hate group they will desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue because all they do is lie and deceive on the foundation of their every issue I address as you will find when posing this very question.

You will notice that the liberal policied (World Economic Forum Useful idiot policied) sock puppet main stream media avoids this very question because they support this hate group forcing hateful lies and deceptions upon your children to force oppression.

Why do you think police have to show up to their events? Because society in general is sick and tired of this radical hate group forcing lies and deceptions upon society which is attempting to force oppression on the public for the WEF to easily conquer Canada and seek to have police there to try and make criminals out of Canadian citizens for justly opposing such sick and disgusting behavior that the LGBT represents.

Here in Ontario Canada a religiously retarded school board voted against raising the garbage they call a pride flag and right away radical hate group supporters called for forcing a mandate to try and force this hateful garbage on every school in Ontario and I hope the Conservatives stand their ground to not do any such injustice. I suspect this may have been a set up for this very reason by the WEF and their radical useful idiots as well their easily baited sock puppet LGBT hate group to try and force mandates.

I also suspect another set up occurred recently. The public has already spoken when it comes to Bud Light and Target retailers thus pretty much shutting down their businesses in recent weeks for sporting LGBT hateful garbage then yesterday I hear someone religious, I think named Anthony Bass, used that the public has spoken in boycotting these hate supporting businesses to call for a boycott among the religious when the public already boycotted them on their own. So after the fact this guy calls for a boycott then they have this big thing where this guy apologized which is every indication that he played along to try and arm the hate supporting main stream media in making a sick show out of it to further try and force oppression on the public.

How would you like to have to invite a bunch of murderers to a baby shower under the guise of inclusion? How would you like to have to invite a bunch of thieves to an art gallery under the guise of inclusion? How would you like to have to invite a bunch of male rapists to a woman's day event?

Compulsive obsessive lying deceiving haters have a month in honour of their hate for the public all thanks to useful idiots and the World Economic forum using them to force oppression on the public.

How much of the hundred million Justin Trudeau gave this LGBT hate group goes towards paying actors willing to assist the hate group in throwing us all under the bus to try and make the garbage they call a pride parade look like it has support I wonder.

Your tax dollars going towards hateful lies and deception forced upon the public to try and force oppression upon Canadian citizens. More proof of Trudeau's tyranny and abuse of power catering to the dictatorship of the WEF which is quite obviously not a democracy!

Enough! It's time to criminalize this LGBT hate group permanently and not only here in Canada but globally as well for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet. These fools are going to have to start accepting themselves for what they are and respecting everyone else for what we are! Lies lead to war and divide which is why they know they are not safe so when they stop doing it there is no need for them to feel so unsafe. Pretty plain and simple!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!